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My Mentorship Journey

By Stearry
  • Conversation with Dr. Atkin

    When I was visiting my friend to give her a book I ran into Dr. Atkin. We started talking and she asked me if I knew about the FASS Mentorship & Learning Program. I had said, "Yes but do not know much about it." She had explained it and said, that she would like to have me as a mentor.
  • Applying to be a Mentor

    After thinking about it for several days. I decided to take up the offer and apply to be part of the Mentorship Learning class.
  • Becoming a Mentor

    Becoming a Mentor
    Beginning my Mentorship Journey
    When I was told I had been accepted to be a mentor I was completely geeked. I was going to be able to interact and pass on my knowledge onto first year university students. However, I was also confused and a little worried as I did not know what my role was going to fully be. See Video
  • Receiving the Red Shirt

    Receiving the Red Shirt
    First day meeting everyone and starting my journey as a mentor was stressful. I was unable to meet everyone in April and I felt like I was already behind. I got a nice comforting feeling to know that I wasn't the only one in the dark. Meeting my group and Christina was awesome and I could not wait to continue. Plus the feeling we as a group got when we won Jenga was pretty awesome.
  • Receiving Mentees

    Receiving Mentees
    Excited like a kid on Christmas morning. Today I get my mentees and officially start my mentorship journey with them.
  • First Mentorship & Learning Class

    What to expect and what would happen? It was unclear but soon you figured it out. Being the first class and not many people having done a breakout it was a general class on how we could help students transition into having a mentor. We then broke off into Senior Mentor groups and the Disciplinary groups. Each one having a different feel then the other.
  • Introductions

    First 5 minute breakout with my mentees how will it go? I don't know. since it is the first one I do a quick introduction of myself. Then I have each one fill out a piece of paper of a Hope, Fear, and Expectation. These really helped me understand who each person was and why they were at University. I constantly came back to them as time went on. It was a powerful tool to have to know how to interact and aid my mentees. It helped me out a lot to have them.
  • Catching the Frisbee

    Catching the Frisbee
    Mentees Adjusting
    Official first 15 minute breakout. We went outside today and got in a circle. When we were in the circle we passed around a frisbee. The idea of the activity was to say your name and one positive and one negative from your first week at the University of Windsor. See Video
  • Second Mentorship and Learning Class

    Second Mentorship and Learning Class
    Not going to lie I forgot this class. I do not remember talking about getting or even giving feedback to the students. Also I know I was excited about my first breakout and how much of a success it was. I know some people were hesitant during it but it was still fun for most. It allowed me to see that I could build upon things I have done and things that I would enjoy doing for my breakouts.
  • Picasso & Kandinsky

    Picasso & Kandinsky
    Picasso and Kandinsky
    Who are they and what is important? At first I had no clue how I wanted to do this breakout that they would get the most out of it. I figured it out with the help of my UCW fellow mentors. See video.
  • Web Information

    In class we talked about finding information on the web and what is credible and not credible. We played mentorship jeopardy which was based on the articles we had read. This was a great activity for myself because I know searching the web for information on a paper or project is difficult for me. It was something that I never really fully grasped before and this helped me a litte bit.
  • Pulse Check

    Quick little 5 minute breakout where I seen how my mentees were doing. I did a pulse check with them a one word response to how they were feeling at that point in time. No surprising that the words were sleepy or synonyms for the word, and overwhelmed. Making me think for Thursday how can I take their worries and help them out.
  • Emergency Exam Kit

    Emergency Exam Kit
    Emergency Exam Kit
    This was my response to the anxiety and worries of my mentees. I know it was do to the fact that it was midterm time and many students were having a hard time adjusting to the hectic schedule of First year. See Video
  • Critical Thinking

    What are you reading and why is it important? This was the biggest thing I learned from the Mentorship and Learning class. When I read this and took part in class discussions with Tina the web information class made sense. This is what I need to do is look at things with a critical eye so that when I do research I am getting things that are quality not qauntity and garbage. Does it truly support what I am trying to say and if not why is it saying that.
  • Acadmic Advisors

    Acadmic Advisors
    Today we had the academic advisors come into the classroom and give a presentation. Dr. Atkin wasn't there and many students were talking, leaving early, and being very disrespectful. Other mentors and myself felt horrible for the way that the students acted towards the advisors. Unfortunately, they didn't see the importance of advisors. Sitting in on the presentation made me remember what I needed to do and look up where I was with my degree. I went to see Marty and figured out my confusion.

    Glen TV
    It's interesting to see what Glen had to say. He hit many points that Sigma Chi and my own beliefs hit. To hear his story and how he has fought through it is great. See Video
  • Advisor Breakout

    This was to see how they were doing with meeting with the academic advisors. As well if they had any questions that they might be able to clear up before they met with Dr. Atkin. It was also a mid semester check up to see how they were doing.
  • Effective Communication

    Sometimes you forget what you say and how you say it to be important. Being mindful of what you say and how you say it is important. To take a few moments to think can be much more effective then trying to respond right away. Body language and tone of voice are just as important as the words being said.
  • Sick Day

    Today I was sick and was unable to attend class. I contacted my fellow mentors, my senior mentors, and my professors. Others took over for me and helped me out with my group.
  • Feedback

    This class helped me in thinking about what I was doing as a mentor and if what I was doing was effective. Indeed my senior mentor helped me with this Christina, gave me great feedback and showed me that what I was doing in class on Friday's meant a lot to her. As well she was pushing me to do more as she could see I had a lot of personal experience with leadership. This meant a lot to me as an individual coming from my mentor. It showed me the importance of receiving feedback and giving it.
  • Meeting with Tamsin

    Annotated Bibliography
    I met with Tamsin today to talk about my paper and where I went wrong and what I could do better at. See Video
  • Getting Feedback

    Today I handed out cue cards that allowed me to get feedback from my mentees. It opened my eyes to how they felt in the class and how I was helping them or not. See Video.
  • Propaganda

    Getting ready for this breakout I wanted to make sure that my mentees were both engaged and challenged. I wanted to take what they had given me for feedback and work it into what I was doing for them. So I got 3 pictures together that were challenging in looking at but also to read into. See Video.
  • Round Table #1

    Round Table #1
    This was fun and exciting. I learned that through many different people's presentations that mentoring comes out in many different ways all the time. It is an opportunity many have presented to them but few grab and take.
  • Continuums

    We had the Centre for Career Education come into the class today. I know from the past that this helps in getting you to think if you are unsure of what to do in school. I personally got nothing out of the lesson plus the instructor was very hard to hear. I felt bad for the students in the class. So Nikki and myself did a continuum that helped them figure out best practices for studying and school work. And it also allowed them to see what they were doing in regards to these best practices.
  • Coach Vallee

    Coach Vallee
    Who do leaders lead?A true inspiration. What she had talked about and what she put forth was great to see. Here process of mentorship and her ideals, thoughts everything gave me pride in what I am doing inside the class and out. See video
  • Questionaire

    It was great to have this quesitonaire. We got the students moving as well we got to communicate with Dr. Atkin. We opened up to her and communicated our concerns from the whole semester. Which was a lot easier then we all expected. She was very open with what we had to say. The idea of feedback came full circle when we gave it to out practicum instructor and it was received warm-heartedly.
  • Lancer Basketball

    Lancer Basketball
    We went to the Lancer womens basketball game. And it was great to see Coach Vallee at work. She told us how she coachs and it was great to see her in action. When her star players got upset physically and threw the ball she was the first one over to them to say, "Well you did actually do that." It showed me that to be a leader you have to see all points of view. It gave me courage to know that I could do what she had to do on the court. I could do inside my Fraternity.
  • "Christastrophe"

    "Christastrophe"Painting like Jackson Pollock
    Process over product. No matter what year your in and no matter what you do it's about getting to the end not just the end product. This is huge that I was able learn the importance of this even after planning the breakout. That really I am in university in a five year program but it doesn't matter how long it takes. It's about what I did to get to the end and that I learned and experienced along the way. See Videos.
  • Critical Thinking Speedate

    Here I learned a lot about my fellow mentors. I learned that It's about the W's and the How questions. It's about the importance of thinking about what you are listening to and also what you are being told. I learned that no matter what it's important to see all aspects of a topic because with that in mind you can see where other people are coming from. Finally, I realized truly realized the importance of stopping to think and formulate your response because the umms just don't sound right.
  • Crossover Songs

    Crossover Songs
    Playing the two songs that were the same lyrics for the most part with slight differences opened my eyes. That no matter what you see or hear even in the same room can give you different perspectives. Not everyone sees things the same or even can hear things the same. Different places in the room has different vantage points. One might hear the lyrics others might only hear beat. Each one hears the same but gets something totally different out of the experience.
  • Chris Rabideau

    Chris Rabideau
    Chris Rabideau
    True inspiration. See Video
  • Final Breakout

    Final Breakout
    Final Breakout
    Final moments together what to do? See Video
  • Potluck

    Christina, was a great mentor. She gave me all the tools I needed to build myself and my mentees. The connections I made with the fellow group members have given me strength to know I can do a lot with my life. I will keep these friendships forever and know that if I need help with something along my path. They can give me advice and be there for me. I feel honoured to be in the this class and I have learned a lot about myself along my journey as a mentor and know that it doesn't stop here.
  • Final Roundtable

    Final Roundtable
    Mentorship & Learning
    This is how I feel about at the end of the end of my journey. See Video.