My life so far. By Brandy L.

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born on September 23rd,,1999 in Hockey Town (AKA Detroit, Michigan in Henry Ford Hospital.)
  • Hospital

    I was born pre maturly, weighing only 1 pound. I had heart issues becuse I was born very early. I was born 4 months earlyer then i was supposed to. Anyway, I stayed in the hospital for about 4 months and was relesed.
  • Foster Care.

    I'm not exactly sure on this date, but soon I had to go into foster care because my Biological parent(s) were to poor to take care of a child. I was soon put into foster care, and taken in by some great people, Brian and Nancy LeMessurier. They took very good care of me.
  • Adopted

    A few years after being taken care of by Brian and Nancy, they decied to adopt me. I went to court and was able to be adopted! I am EXTREMLY grateful for there care and kindness and I love them more then anyone in the world, they mean so much to me and I will always love them, no matter what in this world happens, I will NEVER stop loving them. They are the best parents EVER!!
  • Preschool

    I started preschool in September of 2001. It was a new place for me, but I was very excited. I met new friends and teachers, whom I still love so much today.
  • My older brother moves out of the house. :(

    When I was 5 years old, my older brother, Jeffery had to move out of the house. I was really sad to see my older brother leave, if I can remember, I cried as he was leaving. We had spent a lot of times together and have very good memories Now he currently is in Kentucky with his wife, Maggie. I love both of them so much, and I get to see them this thanksgiving!
  • Kindergardner

    After a few years in Preschool, I started my jorney in Kindergaren! I loved my kindergarden year, it was so fun!
  • My Pocket Beagle!

    My Pocket Beagle!
    I wanted a puppy for ages, so I begged and BEGGED for one, so my parents finally said yes! I decided to get a small pocket beagle named Carly! she was SO cute and still is adorable! I love her so much!!
  • 6th grade

    6th grade
    My sixth grade year was my last at the Elemetary school, and it was fun. Our class was the first sixth grade of that year. I really loved it, but was sad to leave
  • Putting my dog down

    I lost my best friend, my baby girl, my puppy, Sugar. She had cancer, Oh the day my dad had to put her down. I sat in the basment all day with her. I cried and CRIED for 10 hours straight. I miss her so much still, she will forever be in my heart.
  • First day of Middle school

    First day of Middle school
    When I entered the Middle School, I was a very shy and scared person to enter a bigger school with a bunch more teachers. The first few days were scary to me, but after the first month, I LOVED all my teachers!
  • BBC Sherlock.

    BBC Sherlock.
    One day, My mom and I were sitting around bored so I turned the TV on. A TV show called "Sherlock" came on so I watched it and REALLY enjoyed it. I love this modern version of Sherlock, because unlike the other ones, Sherlock is treated very diffrenty from people around him, because he has a little bit of a disability. I can relate to him a lot on this, I have a little bit of a disability myself, but it makes me proud to know that theres people out there like me. I admire the show so much!
  • Last day of middle school! :(

    I was very sad to leave the middle school in 8th grade. I had made so many happy times with the teachers and students, I was sad to see some of the people who I liked very much go.
  • First day of high school!

    My first day of High school was pretty scary to be honest. Unlike some people though, I didnt get lost, haha. Anyway, I am currently a ninth grader still, and I enjoy high school and will be sad to leave. :(