
My Life - HASSAN

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    Im really happy i was born ! :D
  • Sasktoon

    Moved to Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Very big turn in my life changing schools, provinces, citys.
  • Dundonald

    New school I didnt know anyone a very hard time for me. I cried on the first day of grade 4 really embarassing.
  • Football

    Babineu Warriors my first football team i really enjoy football and cant wait to play on the seaquam team in grade 10!
  • Pakistan

    I went to Pakistan after 5 years and it was very fun visting the places my parents grew up!!! Picture is me doing a whellie!
  • Delta

    I moved back to delta after 5-6 years which i was very happy about because ll of my family is here.
  • Seaquam

    I came to seaquam this year and I love it here and i want to graduate from seaquam!