• My birth:

    My birth:
    I was born on this day.
  • My first birthday:

    My first birthday:
    I celebrated my first birthday.
  • My first nephew:

    My first nephew:
    I was uncle for the first time by a boy named Addison Gabriel.
  • First day of kindergarten:

    First day of kindergarten:
    On this day I started to attend kindergarten. It was one of the best days althought I was every nervous.
  • My second nephew:

    My second nephew:
    I was uncle for the second time by a girl named Addimar Gabriela, which I said "Mi reinita''.
  • Day of achievement, third grade:

    Day of achievement, third grade:
    I received my first trophy of academic achievement in third grade.
  • Sixth grade graduation:

    Sixth grade graduation:
    I graduated from sixth grade with honors.
  • Ninth grade graduation:

    Ninth grade graduation:
    I graduated from ninth grade with honors.
  • Family Trip:

    Family Trip:
    First family trip to Disney.
  • High school graduation:

    High school graduation:
    I graduated from high school with honors. In this stage of high school I learn to overcome many of the fears with which I faced.