Time line of life changing events of Aidil

By Aidil
  • At the age of 6 I found out some deep stuff

    I had found out some things that have changed me from a younger age, it had changed me in a way I would rather not say. But it was life changing
  • At the age of 7 I met someone

    I met someone that wasn't a positive or negative lnfluence to my life but It had changed me to a point where I hide some stuff about myself
  • At the age of 8 I watched Usain Bolt beat the world record for the 100m sprint

    When I watched him finish the race in a whopping 9.58 second it had made me very interested in athletics and it made me want to become a very fit and athletic person so that one day I could try breaking that record.
  • At the age of 9 I entered Nexus

    Everything changed because the people over here have greatly influenced my lifestyle choices and nexus has made me into a person much into technology
  • At the age of 10 I almost died

    While playing outside I stupidly ran accros the road, while I was running I turned right and saw a car in a split second after seeing the car I suddenly stopped, barely missing me I froze. This made me change the way I feel and that I should always be grateful that I am alive even if I hit a low.
  • At the age of 11 I won my first ever basketball tournament

    This changed me and made me into a person who is very competitive and when ever I do a physical activity of some sort I will always try to push myself above my limits as I want to improve further.
  • At the age of 12 I found out I was colourblind

    When I found out I was colourblind I started to realise why I saw colours differently to other people, it had made me aware of what I would see and how others would see thus it made me sometimes feel sensitive about the issue of colorblindness.
  • At the age of 13 I was....

    I was friend zoned 3 times by my crush and that has made me into a very open person who likes to hang out with girls and guys equally.
  • I became interested in a girl

    I met a girl that I became interested in and ever since then I can't stop thinking about her it changed me because nowadays I'm conscious about where she is and I worry a lot haha