My Life As An American Immigrant

  • Birthday-Dublin, Ireland

    Birthday-Dublin, Ireland
    After living in Ireland for 25 years I decided to come to America to get a better education. I had no opportunities in Ireland. I hope trough this autobiography to relay my life's story to my family.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    Ellis Island Immigrants came to Ellis Island to escape the povery and religious intolerance.
  • Coming To America

    Coming To America
    Hi, I'm Fithian McDermott. I came to America in 1876. Seeing the Statute of Liberty was awesome! I had a huge sense of the freedom America represents.
  • Living in a tenement

    Living in a tenement
    Living in a tenement was horrible. Some of the apartments didn't even have windows so if there was a fire in the building then they would be trapped a die. Also, the apartments were filthy you didn't always have water and when you did it wasn't always clean.The water looked muddy and filthy.
  • My Job

    My Job
    My job is working on the Statue of Liberty. It was scary at firt because I had to walk across steel I-beams and If I feel off then I would die. I had no safety equipment and I had to work in the cold or heat.
  • My Job Experience

    My Job Experience
    After a while I got used to eating my lunch and talking to my friends on the I-beams so high up in the air.When I was working on the Statue of Liberty it was one of the coolest things I have ever experienced in my life. Also, this opened up so many jobs for me like scyscraping and building the flat iron building.