• Born in Hyde Park, NY

    Born in Hyde Park, NY
    THis was the day that i was born into this wonderful world in Hyde Park, NY.
  • Leave home to attend Groton School in Groton, Massachusetts

    Leave home to attend Groton School in Groton, Massachusetts
    The exact date is not known so I took a educated guess on the exact day and month.
  • Move to Cambridge, Massachusetts

    Move to Cambridge, Massachusetts
    The exact date is not known so I took a educated guess on the exact day and month.
  • Enrolls into Harvard University

    Enrolls into Harvard University
    The exact date is not known so I took a educated guess on the exact date and month.
  • Graduates from Harvard with an A.B. in History

    Graduates from Harvard with an A.B. in History
    The exact date is not known so I took a educated guess on the exact day and month.
  • Move to New York City

    Move to New York City
    The exact date is not known so I took a educated guess on the exact day and month.
  • Enrolls into Columbia Law School

    Enrolls into Columbia Law School
    The exact date is not known so I took a educated guess on the exact day and month.
  • Marriage to Eleanor Roosevelt

    Marriage to Eleanor Roosevelt
    Despite fierce efforts from my mother, Sara Roosevelt, who was very possesive of me and thought i was too young, I still went and married the women of my dreams. Also, the then president, and also Eleanor's uncle, Thedore Roosevelt, stood in for Eleanor's father who had passed away.
  • Elected to new York Senate

    Elected to new York Senate
  • Appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy under President Woodrow Wilson.

    Appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy under President Woodrow Wilson.
    The exact date is not known so I took a educated guess on the exact day and month.
  • Runs as the Democratic candidate for Vice-President, alongside James M. Cox.

    Runs as the Democratic candidate for Vice-President, alongside James M. Cox.
    The exact date is not known so I took a educated guess on the exact date and month.
  • Contracts a paralytic disease while swimming in Maine.

    Contracts a paralytic disease while swimming in Maine.
    exact day is not known so i took a estimated guess.
  • Establishes a polio treatment center in Warm Springs, Georgia.

    Establishes a polio treatment center in Warm Springs, Georgia.
    The exact date is not known so I took a educated guess on the exact day and month.
  • Elected governor of New York.

    Elected governor of New York.
  • The New York Stock Exchange crashes, one of a series of events leading to the Great Depression in the United States.

    The New York Stock Exchange crashes, one of a series of events leading to the Great Depression in the United States.
  • Defeats Herbert Hoover to become the 32nd President of the United States, receiving 57.4% of the popular vote.

    Defeats Herbert Hoover to become the 32nd President of the United States, receiving 57.4% of the popular vote.
  • In the "First 100 Days," FDR pushes fifteen legislative proposals through Congress; these form the basis of the New Deal.

    In the "First 100 Days," FDR pushes fifteen legislative proposals through Congress; these form the basis of the New Deal.
    There isn't one ecxact day because the legislative proposalls all happened within the first 100 days in office.
  • In the First New Deal, the proposal by me helps provide "immediate relief" from the Depression by creating new public agencies to employ civilians, as well as regulate the banking industry.

    In the First New Deal, the proposal by me helps provide "immediate relief" from the Depression by creating new public agencies to employ civilians, as well as regulate the banking industry.
    There isn't one ecxact day.
  • In the Second New Deal, the federal government with strong push by me establishes additional agencies and programs including the WPA, Social Security, and the National Labor Relations Board.

    In the Second New Deal, the federal government with strong push by me establishes additional agencies and programs including the WPA, Social Security, and the National Labor Relations Board.
    The exact date is not known so I took a educated guess on the exact date and month.
  • Defeated Alfred Landon, winning re-election to a second term.

    Defeated Alfred Landon, winning re-election to a second term.
    I win by a landslide in the popular vote (60.8%) and trounces Landon in the Electoral College 523 to 8
  • Hitler invades Poland, sparking World War II.

    Hitler invades Poland, sparking World War II.
  • With my push, Congress passes the Lend-Lease Act, allowing the US to aid the Allied Powers without entering into the war.

    With my push, Congress passes the Lend-Lease Act, allowing the US to aid the Allied Powers without entering into the war.
  • Re-elected to a third term campaigning on a promise not to send American troops into foreign wars.

    Re-elected to a third term campaigning on a promise not to send American troops into foreign wars.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; which causes me and all of the US to declare war on Germany, Italy, and Japan.

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; which causes me and all of the US to declare war on Germany, Italy, and Japan.
  • I sign Executive Order 9066, imprisoning many Japanese-Americans living on American soil.

    I sign Executive Order 9066, imprisoning many Japanese-Americans living on American soil.
  • On D-Day, the first of nearly 3 million Allied soldiers arrive on the northern shores of France.

    On D-Day, the first of nearly 3 million Allied soldiers arrive on the northern shores of France.
  • Elected to a fourth term as President of the USA.

     Elected to a fourth term as President of the USA.
  • meeting with Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin in Yalta to negotiate the post-war future of Europe.

    meeting with Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin in Yalta to negotiate the post-war future of Europe.
    the big 3.
  • Dies of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Georgia.

    Dies of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Georgia.
    When I died in the middle of WW2, it left all of my duties as president to Harry S. Truman.