History Timeline

  • 476

    Rome Falls

    Rome Falls
    (Actual date unknown) Rome falls due to many different factors. These included taxes, unemployment, and general apathy of the people.
  • Period: 476 to Jan 1, 1401

    Medieval Times

    (Exact Dates Unknown) After Fall of Rome, almost 1000 years of rediscovery took place, leading up to the Renaissance.
  • Jan 1, 700

    Beowulf Manuscript written

    Beowulf Manuscript written
    (Exact dates unknown, sometime between 700 and 1000) the only known manuscript of Beowulf, an epic poem that forms the basis of modern writing is believed to have been written around this time
  • Oct 14, 1066

    The Battle of Hastings

    The Battle of Hastings
    William the Conquerer, a French noble defeated King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings, securing him as England's next ruler
  • Jan 1, 1225

    Thomas Aquinas born

    Thomas Aquinas born
    (Exact date unknown) Thomas Aquinas integrated Aristotle into the Catholic doctrine, allowing for the Renaissance to emerge almost 200 years later.
  • Jan 1, 1343

    Geoffrey Chaucer born

    Geoffrey Chaucer born
    (Exact date unknown) Geoffery Chaucer was a prominent English author known for The Canterbury Tales
  • Jan 1, 1348

    Black Death ravages Europe

    Black Death ravages Europe
    (Exact dates unknown) the deadly black plague eliminates 1/3 of the people in Europe
  • Jan 1, 1350

    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Written

    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Written
    (Exact year and date unknown) The epic poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, which chronicles the knight Gawain's quest to survive the Green Knight's challenge, was likely some kind of religious metaphor
  • Jan 1, 1395

    Jan Van Eyck born

    Jan Van Eyck born
    (Exact Date Unknown) Early Renaissance artist Jan Van Eyck born
  • Jan 1, 1401

    Renaissance Begins

    Renaissance Begins
    (Exact date unknown) Contest to design Florence Cathedral Doors spurs revolution in art now known as the Renaissance, an era where the classical ideals returned to prominence
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Iroquois Confederacy Formed

    (Exact date and year unknown) The Iroquois were made up of the Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Onedia and Tusaarora tribes and remained an established power in the region until the late 1700s
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci born

    Leonardo Da Vinci born
    Brilliant Inventor, Artist, Scientist, Architect and Engineer Leonardo Da Vinci was born
  • Period: Jan 1, 1453 to

    Early Modern Period

    (Exact Dates Unknown) The Early modern period was an important time for civilization, new discoveries and new technology erupted and formed the basis for modern society
  • May 21, 1471

    Albrecht Durer born

    Albrecht Durer born
    Albrecht Durer was a German Renaissance artist known for his woodblock prints
  • Mar 6, 1475

    Michelangelo born

    Michelangelo born
    Ledgendary Renaissance artist Michelangelo Buonarotti born
  • Sep 27, 1480

    Spanish Inquistion begins

    Spanish Inquistion begins
    The Spanish inquisition was a group of "Secret Police" who tried and executed heretics, also NOBODY EXCPECTED THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!!!!!
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus Lands in the Bahamas

    While far from America's "Discoverer" Columbus' exploits helped establish european presence in The Americas
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Spain Conquers Mexico

    (Exact dates unknownn) Hernan Cortez defeated the Aztecs, largely thanks to western immunity/resistance to several bacteria strains they imported, and the fact that the Aztecs believed the Spanish to be gods
  • Oct 31, 1527

    Reformation Begins

    Reformation Begins
    Martin Luther posted the 95 theses on the door of his town's church, wihch became the start of a long series of splits from the Catholic Church, including Luther himeself, John Calvin and Ulrich Zwigli
  • Jan 1, 1541

    El Greco born

    El Greco born
    (Exact date unknown) Renaissance artist El Greco was known for his, dark, unorthodox depictions of elongated figures, which influenced Cubism many centuries later
  • Roanoke Colony Fails

    The British find the last attempt at establishing Roanoke, the first English colony, gone without a trace
  • Period: to

    Baroque Period of music

    (Exact dates unknown) The Baroque period was instrumental in creating new genres of music
  • Rembrandt Van Rijin born

    Rembrandt Van Rijin born
    Rembrandt was the most promimnent artist of the northern Baroque period, and is wildely consindered the best
  • Jamestown Colony establilshed

    Jamestown, the first Permanant British-American Colony was founded by the Joint-Stock Virginia Company; eventually it grew rich off of the tobacco trade
  • First American Slaves Arrive in Chesapeake Bay

    (Exact date unknown) The first slaves were imported from Africa due to an insufficent amount of free men available to work in the colonies
  • Pilgrims Found Plymouth

    The Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts as a result of insufficient resourses, and founded the colony there, the colony is notable for its religious inclination and its, albeit short-lived, diplomacy with the natives
  • House of Burgesses formed

    The House of Burgesses was the first democratically elected council in North America
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony Founded

    (Exact Dates Unknown) The Puritans (Different from the Pilgrims) establish a colony in Massachusetts
  • Vermeer born

    Vermeer born
    (Exact date unknown) Johannes Vermeer was a prominent Baroque artist who may have used a camera obscura to make his work more realistic
  • Calverts Found Maryland

    Maryland was established by Scottish Nobles as a colony for Catholics to reside in
  • Period: to

    Pequot war

    (Exact dates unknown) The mounting tension between the Settler's economic expidentures and the native's, particularly the Pequot tribe's way of life reached a boil and resulted in the first of many conflicts between the two
  • Anne Hutchinson Convicted of Heresy

    Anne Hutchinson was a religious figure who disagreed with the Puritan Church that had established the Mass. Bay Colony, eventually, she became an early settler of Rhode Island
  • Fundamental Orders of Conneticut Established

    The Fundamental orders took the various Conneticut towns and unified them into a single colony
  • English Civil War begins

    English Civil War begins
    English Civil War started as a result of Charles I's unjust policies and concluded with the king's execution, and the installation of a republic, which soon denigrated into a facist dictatorship headed by Oliver Cromwell
  • Sir Isaac Newton born

    Sir Isaac Newton born
    Prominent Scientist of the mid to late 1600s and early 1700s Isaac Newton developed such important concepts as calculus as well as identifing the existence of a force rooting objects to the planet; gravity
  • Navigation act passed

    The Navigation act established a Merchantile economy in America, Meaning that only specific sellers were allowed to sell specific things
  • English Conquer New Netherlands

    The Dutch surrender the territory that would become New York to the British
  • Paradise Lost published

    Paradise Lost published
    (Exact date unknown) Paradise Lost was an epic poem detailing the rise and fall of Satan written in the style of ancient works such as the Illiad and The Odessy
  • Period: to

    King Philip's war

    King Phillip's war was a skirmish between the British and the Natives that exacerbated the race relations to an even greater extent than before
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Nathaniel Bacon launched a rebellion against the Virginian government citing general disaproval, he died soon after
  • Pennsylvaina Founded

    Pennsylvania began as a massive stretch of land given to William Penn by Charles II as payment for a debt he owed to Penn's family. A devout Quaker, Penn soon established it as a safe haven for the Quakers
  • Glorious Revolution Begins

    The Glorious Revolution Began with William III and Mary II, Dutch nobles, ascending to the English throne and establishing a constitution and installed provisions against dissolving Parliment, setting the stage for the eventual US
  • The Coronation of William and Mary

    The Coronation of William and Mary
    William III and Mary II, co-regents of Britain, altered the system of government to a constitutional monarchy, paving the way for the Britain's second, and much more successful Republic
  • Massachusetts Officially a Royal Colony

    (Exact date unknown)
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Mass Hysteria erupted in Massachusetts and particularly Salem, after two girls became mentally unstable, and the religiously inclined culture blamed it on "witchcraft"
  • Gullivers Travels published

    (Exact date unknown) Gulliver's Travels is a satirical work, pardoying various groups in the British government
  • Charles Willson Peale Born

    Charles Willson Peale Born
    Charles Willson Peale was an early American Neoclassical artist who popularized American art as a whole
  • Period: to

    Classical Period of music

    (Exact dates unknown) The Classical Period is in many ways the Baroque's opposite, preferring emotional reservation and more nebulous themes
  • Mozart born

    Mozart was a reknowned composer and possibly the most influential figure of the classicsl period
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation established a weak agreement with the native population after the French and Indian War
  • Stamp act

    (Exact dates unknown) The stamp act regulated the paper that could be sold in the colony, only paper embossed with a specific seal could be sold
  • Boston Massacre

    Confused soldiers nervously fired at rowdy colonists killing five and rousing much anger in the colonial population
  • Beethoven Born

    (Likely Born a few days before) Beethoven (1770-1827) Is notable for bridging the Classical and Romantic periods of music
  • Boston Tea Party

    In protest of the tax placed on tea 8 years prior, several colonist disguised as natives as a symbol of defiance, dropped tea into the harbor in Boston, causing the British to temporarily close off acess
  • Intolerable acts

    (Exact dates unknown) the Intolerable acts removed many of the rights of the Bostonians in response to the Boston Tea Party
  • Battle of Lexington/ Battle of Concord

    The Battles of Lexington and Concord, also fought in several surrounding towns were the first battles of the American Revolution
  • Common Sense Published

    Common sense was a Criticism of the British Government written by Philosopher Thomas Paine that helped inspire the colonial push for independence
  • Declaration of Independence signed

    Declaration of Independence signed
    The Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence, effectively begginning the American Revolution
  • Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation were an early system of American Government wherin the population of a state impacted their authority on the governmnt as a whole
  • French alliance

    Benjamin Franklin helped create a helpful alliance with the French royals in the waning days of the revolution.
  • Surrender at Yorktown

    Yorktown was the final stand of the British in the Revolution, ad resulted in unconditional surrender and led to the treaty of Paris 2 years later
  • Period: to

    Battles of Saratoga

    The multiple battles fought at Saratoga collectively served to firmly establish the colonial victory in all but British surrender, which would come in a few months
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris marks the formal end of the American Revolution
  • Land ordinance of 1784

    This ordinance created the states of Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    This legislation amended to the ordinance of 1784 and codified things such as public education and explained the procedure for becoming a state
  • Jay-Gardouqui treaty

    (Date ungiven) The Jay-Gardoqui treaty was intended to give Spain the right to navigate the Mississippi River, but was quickly voted down
  • Virginia Religious freedom act

    (Exact date ungiven) Virginia's separation of church and state became the national norn
  • Indian Ordinance

    (exact date ungiven) The Indian Ordinance stated that Native territory would only be settled by Americans under the circumstances of conquest and/ or purchase
  • Period: to

    Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion was brought about by displeasure with the post-revolutionary conditions in America
  • Period: to

    Annapolis Convention

    The Annapolis Convention ruled that the Articles of Confederation should be abolished and replaced with a new Constitution
  • Period: to

    Constitutional Convention

    The Constituition replaced the confederation, which many citizens were displeased with
  • Northwest Ordinance

    The northwest Ordinance superseded the previous code for northwest statehood, and blocked Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan from statehood for a short period of time
  • First of the Federalist papers

    The Federalist papers were pro-constitution propaganda released in the time of the conventions, in hopes of reuinfying the country
  • Constitution ratified by 11 states

    By the end of 1788, all states excpet Rhode Island and North Carolina had accepted the constitution
  • George Washington Innagurated

    George Washington became the first president elected under the new constitution
  • George Washington innagurated

    Thee first innagrtion represented a shift in governmental power from the old confederacy to a more stable form of governance.
  • Bastille Invaded; French Revolution begins

    Bastille Invaded; French Revolution begins
    Tension between the French Royals and the working class erupts as the Bastille is attacked, in a move ultimately leading up to the infamous Reign of Terror
  • First report on the public credit

    Alexander Hamilton gave the first report on the financial state of the citizenry, a crucial bit of knowledge for congrss
  • Period: to

    Whiskey rebellion

    The Whiskey rebellion was a
  • First US bank established

    The National bank is important in that it codified US money, trade, etc.
  • Proclamation of neutrality established

    This proclamation declared the US neutral in conflicts between England and France, and temporarily prevented the new nation from going to war with other countries
  • Cotton Gin Patented

    The cotton gin made cotton into a viable cash crop and caused slavery to persist beyond its previously percieved limits.
  • The Battle of Fallen Timber

    The Battle of Fallen Timber was the final conflict between the American army, and the Northwest Territoy natives, the former prevailed and The US continued its outward expansion.
  • Jay's Treaty written

    The Jay Treaty amended to the Treaty of Paris and avertaed another war with Great Britain
  • Pinckey's Treaty signed

    Pinckney's Treaty created an alliance wtih Spain, a crucial aly to the early US
  • John Adams Inaugurated

    The Inauguration of John Adams is pivotl as it represents a clean trnsefer of poer in the new nation, a far less given notion at the time
  • Period: to

    XYZ affair

    The XYZ affair began with the American diplomats refusing pay a traditional fee nearly caued a war between the US and France
  • Sedition acts passed

    The sedition acts prevented citizens from speaking out against the government, this volated the first aamendmentan was overturned by Jefferson
  • Period: to

    Kentucky and Virginia resolutions

    Kentucky and Virginia both rejected the sedition acts
  • Napoleon restores French Monarchy

    Napoleon restores French Monarchy
    Napoleon overthrows recently established French Republic and becomes new ruler of France, and proceeds to run several military campaigns in hopes of conquering all of Europe
  • Washington D.C. made national capitlal

    D.C. was choen as the capital for itt being a neurrall zone
  • Midnight Judges appointed

    Thomas Jefferson's impending presidency caused John Adams to quickly appoint a supreme court to protect the changes he had made to the laws, the judges were removed the following year
  • Thomas Cole born

    Thomas Cole born
    Thomas Cole began the Hudson River School, the first American Romantic art movement
  • Marbury vs. Madison resolved

    this case was critically important in drawing the lines of authority between the executive and the judicial branch.
  • British seize American ships

    British seizure of American ships eventually prompts the war of 1812
  • Embargo act passed

    The Embargo act prevented US ships from trading with forigen nations, in response to a desire for neutrality in international affairs, the system wilted and was abolished two years later
  • Atlantic Slave trade abolished

    Slaves could no longer be legally taken across oceans, though slavery would survive in America for a furhter 57 years
  • Fletcher Vs. Peck resolved

    Fletcher vs Peck contested whether Georgia had the right to claim several million acres of land west of its borders, ultimately, they concluded it did not
  • Battle of Tippeanoe

    The Battle of Tippecanoe marks the end of Tecumseh's war.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    The War of 1812 was the second attempt by the British to retake their former colonies
  • Pride and Predjudice published

    Pride and Predjudice published
    Pride and Predjuidce is credited with being one of the first novels with a mundane tone
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    The Battle of Lake Erie was an important victory for the US and allowed themm to recapture Michigan
  • Burning of Washington

    The British invaded and nearly destroyed the nation's capital.
  • Battle of Lake Champlain

    The battle of Lake Champlain was the deciding factor in the war of 1812 and the British soon resigned themselves with the treaty of ghent
  • Jean-Francois Millet Born

    Millet was a master realist artist of the Babizon School
  • The Battle of New Orleans

    New Orleans was the final battle of the war of 1812, and occured only a month before the Treaty of Ghent
  • James Monroe inaugurated

    James Monroe was the 5th presidnt of the US under the constituton
  • Period: to

    First Seminole war

    The war won the US Florida and was culminatd in the Adams-Onis treaty of 1819
  • McColloch Vs. Maryland

    The Supreme Court ruled that the Government could impose taxes
  • Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise was enacted by congressman Henry Clay, and stated that 1. the slave state/ free state ratio will be equal. 2. slaves are allowed only below a certian line
  • Monroe Doctrine published

    The Monroe Doctrine decalred that european countries should discontinue any attempts at colonizing North American land
  • Tariff of Abominations

    The Tariff of abominations was a bit of legislature strongly favoring the north, and predictably angered the south
  • Jackson Elected President

  • The Liberator first published

    The Liberator was a paper devoted to the abolishment of slavery and an early champion of women's rights, and was in circulation until 1865
  • The Nullification Crisis

    (no specific dates applicable) The nullification crisis was a response to the tariffs of abomination wherin North Carolina attempted to legislate a series of mandates immunizing the state to the tariffs
  • Worchester v. Georgia ruled

    The case ruled that Worchester was not in position to press charges, because the US legal system lacked jurisdiction in native territory.
  • Brahms Born

    Brahms (1833-1897) is best known for his lullaby
  • Spanish Inquisiton disbanded

    Spanish Inquisiton disbanded
    Isabella the 2nd issued an edict dissolving the infamous Spanish inquisiton, but a few survived and went on to be in Monty Python sketches
  • Winslow Homer Born

    Winslow Homer Born
    Winslow Homer was a self- taught American realist and later impressionist artist of the second half of the 19th century
  • Republic of Texas formed

    Texas formed a nation of its own in the wake of a dispute over the southern boundary of the US in relation to the Spanish territory in Mexico
  • Panic of 1837

    Runaway inflation and rapidly rising prices led to the first major American recession
  • Tchaikovsky Born

    Peter Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Was perhaps one of the most tormented of the composers, despite his upbeat compositions
  • Dvorak Born

    Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904) Mixed Romantic period sounds with folk music to create a unique style.
  • Jane Eyre published

    Jane Eyre was written by Charlotte Bronte writing under the pseudonym Curer Bell
  • First Chapter of A Tale of Two Cities serailized

    First Chapter of A Tale of Two Cities serailized
    A Tale of Two Cities is a dramatic novel about the horrors of the French Revolution, as well as sin and redemption
  • Civil War begins

    Civil War begins
    The remaining United states began their fight to recapture the eleven seceded states as well as abolish the institution of slavery.
  • Debussy Born

    Claude Debussy (1862-1918) Is considered the first modern composer
  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland published

    Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was based on stories that the author told kids he looked after
  • Practical Lightbulb patented

    Practical Lightbulb patented
    Thomas Edison invented first practical lightbulb
  • First Father Brown story published

    Father Brown was a Catholic Priest who solved crimes in subtle ways, his first appearence was in a story called The Blue Cross
  • World War I Begins

    World War I Begins
    The assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, sparked international conflict, leading to World War I
  • A Passage to India Published

    A Passage to India is notable for being one of the first works to genuinely sympathize with a conquered minority from someone outside of the minorithy
  • Great Depression Begins

    Great Depression Begins
    The Great Depression was a massive worldwide failiure of the stock markets, causing a dearth of money and employment for the next decade, not ending until World War II
  • The Hobbit published

    The Hobbit is generally credited as the earliest example of high fantasy
  • Out of the Silent Planet Published

    Out of the Silent Planet was C.S. Lewis' first published work of fiction
  • World War II begins

    World War II begins
    World War II begins with Hitler's invasion of Poland, most of Europe is dragged into the conflict, The U.S. remains neutral until the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941
  • Arsenic and Old Lace first staged

  • Harvey first staged

    Harvey is a comedy about a man and his non-imaginary imaginary friend
  • Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima
    The first use of nuclear weapons in war caused devestation to the Japanese people and led to their eventual surrender
  • Animal Farm published

    Animal Farm was written as a satire of Communist government
  • The Crucible First staged

    The Crucible is a story of the Salem Witch Trials written in response to the Red Scare of the 1950s
  • A Morbid Taste for Bones published

    A Morbid Taste for Bones was the first appearence of the character Brother Cadfael
  • Soviet Union dissolved

    Soviet Union dissolved
    The Soviet Union was a Communist nation that eventually failed due to the inherrent strain of Communist government
  • 9/11 Terrorist attacks

    9/11 Terrorist attacks
    Terrorists from an organization known as Al-Queda hijacked 4 commercial airplanes, two of them destroyed the two world trade center towers, one caused moderate damage to the pentagon, and the fourth and final was aimed at the White House, but was crashed into a field in Pensilvania as a result of an uprising within the plane
  • Osama Bin Laden killed

    Osama Bin Laden killed
    U.S, Millitary tracks and kills Osama Bin Laden, the strategist who orchestrated the 9/11 terrorist attacks, in a compound in Pakistan
  • Present day

  • Charlemagne Made Holy Roman Emperor

    Charlemagne Made Holy Roman Emperor
    Charlemange established Holy Roman Empire.