Dustin Parlier 3rd Period AP US History:

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus leaves Spain

    Christopher Columbus left the port of Palos in Spain to go to Asia. He lead the three ships Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. He instead ends up in America later.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus reaches North America

    Christopher Columbus and his crew, all 3 ships, finally reached North America almost right before a serious mutiny would occur. They were so happy to see land becuase they sailed way past due the time they were supposed to.
  • London (Virginia) Company's Ship leaves

    The ship of 144 people leaves to head to the Americas. They didn't fair very well because they were ill-prepared, and several colonists died,
  • Jamestown Colonization

    The colonists choose Jamestown Island to start their colonization. This was the first colony estabilished in America.
  • Spark of the Anglo-Powhatan War

    De La Warr sparks the war by sending his men in to kill the Powhatans. He lead 70 men, and killled anywhere from 65-75 Powhatans and took some captives (including the Queen) and fled.
  • Pocahontas-Rolfe Marriage/ First Anglo-Powhatan War End

    John Rolfe marries Pocahontas, which thus leads to the end of the first Anglo-Powhatan War and leads to peace for awhile. (Note: the exact date is not known, just the year.)
  • House of Burgesses

    First meeting of the House of Burgesses in Jamestown. This was estabilished as the first uniform government in the colonies.
  • First Slave Immigrations

    (exact date not known) the First slaves from Africa arrived at Jamestown. They soon started to outnumber the population of indentured servants and replace them.
  • The Mayflower leaves England

    The group of 102 people in the Mayflower ship leave England for a better life in the Americas.
  • Mayflower Compact Creation

    The Mayflower Compact was created on the ship. This is relevant because it was a majority rule government, different from England's system.
  • Indian Massacre of 1622

    Indians attacked the colonists under Openchancanough's rule, and took out a quarter of the Jamestown population. A lot of the smaller huts and crop fields were destroyed, and many Englishmen left their lands after it was attacked.
  • New Jersey

    (exact date not known) Was settled by the Dutch as New Netherlands. In 1674 western New Jersey was sold to the Quakers, and the east and west formed back together in 1702.
  • New Amsterdam (New York)

    (Exact date not known) Was estabilished in 1625. It was an excellent trading post because of it's location. It was purchased from the Indians merely for beads.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony starts

    The Massachusetts Bay Colony was formed after it got its patent at the above date. It then proceeded to gain people (1000 total) and started to lave for the Americas the following year.
  • Delaware

    (exact date not known) Named after De La Warr. It was associated with Pennsylvania. In 1703 it got its own assembly.
  • Maryland

    The colonists receive their royal charter for the colony in 1632. They then form the colony in 1634. It was meant to be a haven for Catholics.
  • Rhode Island Formation

    (Exact date not known) Roger Williams forms Rhode Island as a colony after he flees there because of his lack of religious freedom. Anne Hutchinson and several others go there, as Rhode Island frequently remains the freest place throughout history.
  • Second Anglo-Powhatan War

    The Second War is started after a second massacre attempt (the first being the 1622 Massacre) lead again by Openchancanough. About 400 colonists were killed.
  • Peace Treaty of 1646

    (Exact day is not known) Treaty signed which lead to 30 of relative peace between colonists and Indians. Bacon's Rebelllion was when there wasnt as much peace anymore.
  • Trade & Navigation Act Beginning

    (Exact day not known) The first Trade and Navigation Act started. (The Land Ordinance of 1651) Others were passed in 1660 and 1696. They placed many economical restrictions on colonists.
  • North Carolina

    (Exact date not known) NC was the first area to try to be settled in the 1500s, but it didnt work out. People from Virginia started to move in NC in 1653. It then got a royal charter finally in 1729.
  • First Slave Codes

    (Exact date not known) The First Slave Codes were estabilished in Virginia. The Slave codes held several restrictions to the slaves' freedoms, and in turn slaves were not considered citizens really. On topof that the slave codes got progressively more strict as well.
  • Pennsylvania

    (exact date unknown) Formed by William Penn in orde rto settle off a debt. Was a home of the Quakers, and had no slavery and more religious freedom and political freedom than some colonies.
  • Glorious Revolution

    (Exact date not known) Andros overthrows King Charles II and policies in the English government change and make it only worse for the colonists,
  • The Great Awakening

    (exact date not known) In the 1730s Jonathan Edwards started vivid explanations or religion making it more exciting. George Whitfield gained prominence in 1739. It expanded the religious conviction of people.
  • Georgia

    (exact date not known) Named after King George II. It wa the last of the original 13 colonies to be settled. It was known as a place for debtors.
  • Group of Acts passed

    The Proclamation Act was passed in 1763. The Sugar Revenue Act was then passed in 1764. The Currency Act was passed in 1764 as well, followed by the Quartering Act and Stamp Act later. In 1767 The Townshend Acts were passed.
  • Britain tries to get control again

    From 1763-1776 the British tries to gain control of the colonies again after a long period of salutory neglect, but this only leads to negative acts towards the British.
  • Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary War between the colonies and the British begins and becomes a large-scale war. This eventually leads to the independence of the colonies once they get lots of assistance.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    The farmers didn't like the excise tax by Hamilton because it was on whiskey, which was used as a source of currency there. They didn't pay the taxes, and instead beat up the tax collectors.
  • Naval Act of 1794

    The USA decided to pass the Naval Acts, because of the harrassment received from the Barbary Pirates, but for some reason instead of stopping them with our new navy we paid them one million dollars to stop attacking.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    Was the final battle fo the Northwest Indian War, the Americans were lead by "Mad" Anthony Wayne and his men defeated the Indians.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Treaty that John Jay started, with the conditions that the US had to pay back their debts owed to England as long as the British left the American forts within 2 years.
  • Treaty of Greenville

    A treaty the Americans signed with the Indians. The Americans ended up purchasing Ohio for $20,000.
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    A treaty between Spain and America. It allowed the Americans access to the Missippi River, because Spain thought we'd attack them, so they gave us the access.
  • John Adams' Election

    John Adams was elected as president along with Thomas Jefferson as vice president. John wasn't well liked personally and kind of set on the fence when it came to political policies.
  • XYZ Affair

    When the Americans came to England to try to get the naval war stopped, and tried to meet Tallyrand to discuss, but instead were sent to lower-level officials. (X, Y, and Z) They said that the US had to pay 250K to see Tallyrand. This uprooted conflict.
  • Undeclared Naval War

    As the title suggests, a naval battle undeclared between America and France, John Adams, who was the President of the time, didn't want this to happen.
  • Naturalization Act

    Increased the time for people to become naturalized citizens from five to fourteen years.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Consisted of the Naturalization Acts, the Alien Friends and Alien Enemies Acts, and the Sedition Acts. The Alien acts dealt with deporting people, while the Sedition act dealt with malicious writing towards the government punishments.
  • VA/KY Resolutions

    Dealt with the Alien and Sedition acts and said that Virginia and Kentucky did not and would not follow the Acts' policies because they violated their rights. Estabilished Nullification.
  • Election/Revolution of 1800

    An election between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Jefferson won, which correlated to the eventual downfall of the Federalist Party.
  • Undeclared War with Tripoli/Barbary

    Declared by the Tripoli. We then consequently sent out 10-12 ships to protect our economical ships.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Estabilished judicial review. Dealt with illegal production of government officials.
  • Embargo of 1807

    Restricted American ships from trading with all other countries. lead to the War of 1812.
  • Election of 1808

    James Madison beats Pinckney in an election. He then becomes the fourth President.
  • Non Intercourse Acts

    The Non-Intercourse Act said that we would trade with everyone except France and Britain. Probably one of the dumbest moves made.
  • Macon's Bill Number 2

    Reopened possibility of trade with France and Britain. Whoever agreed first the USA would trade with.
  • War of 1812

    Fight between America and Britain. Started by all the problems and policies created beforehand.