My life

  • I was born

    I was born
    I learned to crawl and communicate with people through crying.
  • 1 year old

    1 year old
    I learned to walk and speak my first words.
  • 2 years old

    2 years old
    I increased my vocabulary and learned to run.
  • 3 years old

    3 years old
    I could understand some words in English and more teeth grew.
  • 4 years old

    4 years old
    I was able to ride a bike and understood the school and house rules.
  • 5 years old

    5 years old
    I made many new friends and took a swimming class.
  • 6 years old

    6 years old
    I learned to read and write and took ballet class.
  • 7 years old

    7 years old
    I managed to elaborate ideas and texts and improved my motor coordination a lot.
  • 8 years old

    8 years old
    I learned to read the piano notes and consequently play the piano.
  • 9 years old

    9 years old
    I started taking Spanish classes and took contemporary classes.
  • 10 years old

    10 years old
    I perfected my Spanish and learned to ride a horse.
  • 11 years old

    11 years old
    I started competing in skating and learned to play the guitar.
  • 12 years old

    12 years old
    I learned to ski and learned to program arduino.
  • 13 years old

    13 years old
    I learned to do reversal and I learned to study "alone" because of the pandemic.