My Life :)

By chanelh
  • 16

    First Picture Without Braces!!

    First Picture Without Braces!!
    I had my braces for 2 and a half years. I always waited for this day and when i came out of the orthodontist that day there were selfies all over snapchat. This was big for me because my teeth were horrible before braces and to be able to smile confidently was a really good feeling. I got so many compliments about how good my teeth looked and it made me really really happy.
  • 17


    Disney is always an unforgettable experience. I will never get tired of this place no matter how old i get. It's a good way to connect with your family and forget about everything for a while. The environment is always good vibes. You're always happy.
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I Yes i know i don't look like a baby here but this was the only GOOD picture i could find. I was born October 24th, 2000 at 1:19 am at the North Central Bronx Hospital. I don't really know how i got the name Chael but my aunt picked out my name. I was my mother's first born child and her favorite of course. I was a chubby and quiet baby and my hair took a long time to grow in so for most of my new born life i was bald. Once it grew in my hair grew really fast though which is weird.
  • My Baby Brother

    My Baby Brother
    The day my brother was born was honestly the best day of my life. Having a baby brother is annoying but is also a blessing. He's my best friend and someone who will never leave my side. He was the cutest and chubbiest baby you will ever see and he cried for literally everything. he is the sweetest kid and he shows you endless and unconditional love. Best thing my mom could've ever given me
  • Zazu <3

    Zazu <3
    Zazu was our 3rd dog. We adopted him and he is a mix of a beagle and a lab. They didn't really know how big he was going to get or how he was going to look but you can really tell he's mixed with a beagle by his snout and ears. He is a handful but has the cutest face you can never say no to or stay mad at. He gets so excited to see you even if you were gone for like 10 minutes. He does this thing where when he gets excited he goes and grabs the bone closest to him.
  • First Time Driving

    First Time Driving
    My first time driving was pretty scary but i did really good. Of course my mom was scared for her life the whole time but we didn't die. I'm really short so i had to put my seat all the way up. I honestly can't wait to get my license.
  • Junior prom

    Junior prom
  • First Time At Puppy Kisses

    First Time At Puppy Kisses
    One of my best friend's jackie took my to puppy kisses because she knows i love dogs. It was one of the best days. I was going through something hard and she wanted to help me feel better. The dogs were so cute i was so close to attempting to steal one. I highly recommend you go to this place if you feel sad.

    Cutting my hair was a really big deal. Ever since i was little i've never done anything besides cut my ends. so when i cut my hair from it being up to my butt to it being up to my shoulder's i literally almost cried
  • first day of senior year

    first day of senior year
    I still can't believe i am a senior. I really want to make this year my best and memorable. College is going to be difficult but i'm ready.