my life

By clint15
  • birth

    I was born in 2002 on June 5th
  • atlanta

    my dad took me and my sisters to Atlanta for a weekend and we got a nice hotel andit had a swimming pool and we went to a sky scrapper to eat it was called sun dial and we ate at the top and the top slowly spun around like really slow nut the food was great and we had a lot of fun.
  • working

    I got to shadow mydad at his job he works hard and gets his stuff done its hard to keep up with him but I did it was fun but I got really tired
  • divorce

    my parents got divorced on November 25th on 2015 it was hard on me and my sisters but we got through it but we all hate having to moms and then dads and then moms andove and over.
  • south carolina

    south carolina
    me and my family went to south Carolina on vacation. it was fun but I wish my mom went it was just me my dad and my sisters we went to the beach a few times it was fun and we stayed in a really nice condo an had a lot of family time.
  • moving

    I moved homes after my parents got divorced and my dad won in court for custody of me and my sisters but I like my new house a lot better then my old one
  • B-day

    I had a good birthday I turned 14 and my whole family got together and we just all hung out and and talked it was a lot of fun
  • moving schools

    moving schools
    I move schools from north Whitfield to Dalton middle school I like Dalton a lot better I do miss all my friends from m other school but I got a lot of new friends that always got my back and I always got theirs
  • bye

    my sister moved out shes 17 and getting a job and has a car and lives with her boyfriend hes a good guy and their workin on getting a house as soon as the can
  • christmas

    I had a good Christmas it was the second chirstmasive had while my parents are divorced so I was kind of used to it but I got a lot of good stuff and had a lot of fun