My Life

  • Birth

    I was born at Pitt County Memorial Hospital on March 24, 1997 at 1:29 p.m.
  • Came Home from Hospital

    Came Home from Hospital
    After I was born I had to stay in the hospital for six days so they could make sure I was good and healthy! I was born about three weeks early, so that is another reason why I had to stay! On March 30, 1997, my parents finally got to bring me home! That was a very joyous day for them!
  • First Family Vacation

    First Family Vacation
    My family took me to Disney World for the first time when I was only three years old! I was so excited to not only go all the way to Florida, but to meet all of the characters!
  • First Pageant

    First Pageant
    It was the Ayden Collard Festival Pageant. I recieved first runner up and have now been doing pageants ever since.
  • First Tooth Lost

    First Tooth Lost
    September 13, 2003 was a big day for me! I was walking around the Ayden Collard Festival with my best friend, Andria, while we were eating our candy apples. As soon as I bit down into my apple, all I could taste was blood. What was happening to me? When I pulled the apple out of my mouth, I saw a tiny, white tooth stuck in the apple! I was so excited! I had finally lost my first tooth!
  • First Dance Competiton

    First Dance Competiton
    On May 12, 2006, I competed in my first dance competition. I was in a trio with two of my friends and our dance was called "Good Foot." The competition we competed in is called "Showstoppers" and the competition was held in Myrtle Beach, California. We came in first place and I will definitely never forget that experience!
  • First Broken Bone

    First Broken Bone
    I was in the fifth grade at Ayden Middle School and just sat through my very first pep rally! My friend, Sarah, and I were really hyper and she decided that we should run as fast as we could and pretend to be airplanes! So of course I agreed and did just as she said. I suddenly tripped and fell straight onto the concrete, "catching" myself with my hands. When I stood up I noticed that my arm was hurting really bad. It turns out that I had broken my arm and my wrist with that one quick fall!
  • Thirteenth Birthday

    Thirteenth Birthday
    Yay! I am finally a teenager! On March 24, 2010, I finally turned thirteen. There was nothing really special planned for my birthday and here's the reason why. My family and friends had planned me a surprise birthday party on March 26th!
  • Eighth Grade Graduation

    Eighth Grade Graduation
    I graduated not only from eighth grade, but also from Ayden Middle School. I had to give a speech in front of all my teachers, classmates, and their family. I also won the award for having the highest cumlative average out of all of my peers!
  • First Day of High School

    First Day of High School
    On Thursday, August 25, 2011, I started my first day of high school. I am currently attending Ayden-Grifton High School.