120929 140422

My Life

  • Birth

    I was born in Wales
  • First Birthday

    First Birthday
    My very first birthday
  • Moved house

    Moved house
    Moved house from wales to kent (don't know exact month or day)
  • Moved house

    Moved house
    Moved house from kent to carlisle (don't know Day)
  • School

    I Went to Scotby School
  • Tenerife holiday

    Tenerife holiday
    I went on holiday to tenerife (spain) (I don't remember exact date)
  • Went on holdiday

    Went on holdiday
    We went to disney land paris (don't know day)
  • Moved house

    Moved house
    I moved house to southend in shoebury Bishop steignton
  • Secondary school

    Secondary school
    I started high school at st.thomas more high school!!! :D