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My Educational Timeline

  • Decision to Become a Teacher

    Decision to Become a Teacher
    In grade 1 I decided that I needed to share my passion for learning with the world. What better way to share a love of learning than through teaching others.
  • Joined the French Immersion Program

    Joined the French Immersion Program
    At the end of grade 5 my teachers suggested that I challenge myself and my learning and join the Late French Immersion program for my grade 6 year. It ended up being a decision that changed my life and my learning in many ways.
  • Taught French to my Classmates

    Taught French to my Classmates
    In grade 6 I took a course called Explorations where we could explore interests we had through physical activity, problem solving, and other means. For one assignment we had to share a passion of ours with the class. This was my first experience with lesson planning and teaching outside of playing school. I planned a lesson complete with mini-assignment and lesson plan for my classmates to learn a basic conversation. It made me fall even more in love with sharing my passion for learning.
  • Quebec Trip

    Quebec Trip
    This was my first educational trip outside of the province. Speaking French in a francophone environment brought about my decision to teach French Immersion myself when I become a teacher.
  • Explore Programme à Jonquière

    Explore Programme à Jonquière
    Over the summer I recieved a grant to participate in the Explore program. This 6 week program is fully immersive in a francophone environment to practice french skills. I chose Jonquière as my location as only 1% of the population speaks English in the region and I thought it would be a good opportunity to practice my skills to later teach French Immersion. I was placed in the highest level of class for non-francophone participants and took any opportunity to interact with locals.
  • France Exchange- LTCHS/ Lycée Jean d'Arc

    France Exchange- LTCHS/ Lycée Jean d'Arc
    I participated in the France exchange in Grade 12 allowing me to experience French language learning in another immersive environment staying with a host family and travelling francophone countires while also expanding my passion for Social Studies.
  • University Letters Come In...

    In May I received acceptance letters from all of the universities I had applied to.It was overwhelming getting into all 12 and I had a decision to make for my education. After speaking to my FLA teachers I decided I would be going to Laval to major in French Language and Education
  • Explore Programme à Jonquière

    Explore Programme à Jonquière
    I went to Jonquière again to keep my French skills in top shape to attend Laval University in the Fall. I attended music festivals and other cultural events to learn more about the area and how I could grow as a French Language Learner.
  • Lost Residence Placement at Laval

    I lost my residence placement at Laval and had to re-evaluate my educational goals as I had no home and in turn had to return to Alberta.
  • Began Attending at University of Alberta- Campus Saint Jean

    Began Attending at University of Alberta- Campus Saint Jean
    After coming back to Alberta I applied at U of A and recieved acceptance for the Winter 2010 term. I had found a new path for my educational journey to follow. I started my program with a major in Français langue and a minor in Biology but soon found a passion for Linguistic Analysis and switched minors.
  • Completion of Bachelor of Arts

    Completion of Bachelor of Arts
    Convocated from U of A Campus Saint-Jean Baccèlauréat ès Arts Majeur: Français langue; Mineur: Linguistics
  • Began Bachelor of Education

    Began Bachelor of Education
    In September 2015 I began the journey of my Bachelor of Education in the Collaborative RDC Middle Years program through University of Alberta
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    My first practicum in Chinook's Edge school division helped me solidify that the path to becoming a teacher is where I belong. through 5 weeks of teaching FLA, Études Sociales and Foods I discovered a joy for teaching middle school that I was unaware of before.
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    Extended Practicum

    Having the opportunity to partake in extended practicum has allowed me to become a part of the school community like I had never imagined to do as a pre-service teacher. I have had the opportunity to work with every grade 6 student in the school as well as observe many teachers and their different teaching styles. This has helped me develop my own persona and I know I wouldn't be who I am now without this experience.