Descarga (32)


  • My birth day

    My birth  day
    I was born on December 4, it was snowing a lot. When I when born died pimp C was rapper and Jose Esteban Lasala was a guionist and director spanish. I weight 3,5 kg and I tall 47cm I born at 4 am in txagurritxu. I stay in the hospital 3 weeks because I born yellow. My mum say me I was a alien.
  • My first varicela

    My first varicela
    My father told me that he couldn't get close because he didn't have the vaccune. It was full of red dots. Duration 10 days.They wouldn't let me go to school because I hit my classmates, I didn't understand it and I started crying and kicking my mother no longer knew how to entertain me because it was like an earthquake according to her.
  • My first accident

    My first accident
    I had my first car accident with my father one day on the frozen ground. He jerked my neck and I had to go to the doctor every week for 6 months.My mother was very angry with my father, but it was not his fault since he was going ahead where he should but the other would not let him pass and one of us was coming down our lane in the opposite direction very fast.
  • My first surgery

    My first surgery
    I had an operation on my testicles as one grew much bigger than the other on top of the operation they found me a hernia inguinal. My mum is so scare and nervous, because the doctor say. that I also had a hernia and thank goodness that we had gone for that operation otherwise I could have died
  • My highest fever

    My highest fever
    It was a Saturday afternoon that I started to feel bad and I had to get into bed and put a wet cloth on my forehead, my mother put the thermometer in my armpit and told me that it was 44 degrees. I don't leave of my bed in 2 days. And since that day I had been very covered.