My clinical

  • my birth

    my birth
    I was born with 4,200 kg. and it was quite chubby and it was raining towards a giant storm, my mother told me
  • My 1st operation

    My 1st operation
    It was a very sunny morning I was sick vomiting all the time and my parents decided to take me to the clinic and they told me it was nothing so they took me to Donosti there is if they already knew what I had
  • Sgince in two toes

    Sgince in two toes
    I was in the schoolyard playing soccer and I was going to kick the ball, then I hit the ground and they had to take me to the hospital, I couldn't walk because of the pain.
  • My first broken bone

    My first broken bone
    I broke a bone falling in a mcdonalds at mcdonalds attractions