Important Events In My Life

  • My Date Of Birth

    I was born on November 12th 2003. It changed the world by my presence on earth.It also changed me because with out my birth I wouldn't be alive.From this day onwards,I started making my mark in my family.
    I was the first boy in my little family.I was not a very easy baby because I cried a lot. I was a chubby cuddly curly haired baby.
  • Learning To Walk

    On the 12th of October I learned how to walk. It was a big change in my life because I got from nothing to crawling to walking so I was faster at getting to places but at first sometimes I would crawl because it was hard to walk but then I got the hang of it and I started to always walk,
  • First Day At Qatar Academy

    My first day at Qatar Academy was the 11th of September 2006. One reason why QA changed me is because if I didn't go to QA I wouldn't have gained the knowledge that I gained through-out my life. Another way it changed me is that if I didn't go to QA I wouldn't have had all the friends that I have now because most of my friends are in QA.
  • First Day At A Football Academy

    My first day at a football academy was the 14th of October 2008. The academy was Evoluotion Soccer. It changed me because if I didn't go there when I was young it would have effected my football skills and I might not know what are the basics of football.
  • My New Baby Brother

    On the 16th of January 2011 I got a new baby brother. His name is Adam. When he was born I was happy and excited but at the same time jealous. The first year Adam was born he was a small quiet baby. After that he started getting crazy and would always cry and you would just want to run out of the room. Even though I am some times jealous I'm still caring for him and taking care of him. Still some times I get even though he is 7 years younger than me.
  • Getting Robbed

    I tried to stay positive when my family got robbed. All of our luggage except 4 suitcases and our carry-ons had been robbed even our passports. But we were lucky that my dad could contact Mrs.Shephard and tell her about what happened so I was excused from school. We were also lucky that we got our passports earlier than usual so instead of staying 2 months in Eygpt with our family we only stayed 2 weeks.
  • The Present Day

    Right now I am in grade 5B. It is really fun to me and we get to learn new interesting things and I couldnt be happier.