Muhammad's Life Outline

  • 570


    Muhammad is born
  • Nov 16, 600

    First Command from Allah

    Angel Gabriel comes down and tells him to spread the word of God
  • Nov 16, 613

    Islam goes public

    He began to spread the word to his tribe and others
  • Nov 16, 622

    Migration to Medina

    Muhammad and followers migrate to Medina
  • Nov 16, 622

    Mecca Conquered

    They return to Mecca and capture it for God
  • Nov 16, 632


    Muhammad dies from being poisoned by a Jewish woman who prepared his dinner
  • Began Driving Caravans

    Muhammad begins driving caravans at the age of 10 travelling with his uncle Abu to Syria and other Middle Eastern countries
  • Began serving a merchant

    Began service with a wealthy Meccan merchant