Muhammad's life

  • Muhammud's birth

    Muhammud was born in the 570 in the town of Mecca.
  • Muhammud's marraige

    Muhammud married the woman whom he traded goods for. Her name was Khadija.
  • His first revelation

    Muhammud recieved his first revelation of Allah from the angel Gabriel. This revelation scared him so much that he first thought that he was going crazy, But actually it was from a demon.
  • Moving to Mecca

    Muhammad and his followers left Mecca and travelled to Medina.
  • The conquest of Mecca

    n January, 630, they marched on Mecca and were joined by tribe after tribe along the way.
  • Muhammad began to preach

    Muhammad began preaching to the public. He was willing to preach and share gospel with poor.
  • The Defeat of Mecca

    Eventually, Muhammad and his followers entered Mecca without any bloodshed and the people there accepted the faith.
  • Muhammad's death

    On June 8, 632, Muhammad died as a result of sickness.