
Megan's Life

By melston
  • Birth

    I have two wonderful parents and an older sister, Kristin, who is one of my best friends. We had a pretty idyllic upbringing and my parents were a model of a healthy relationship. My childhood grounded me and provided a deep set of roots that I would need to rely on later on in my life.
  • Period: to

    Ms. Elston's Life

  • Visit to Tunisia

    Visit to Tunisia
    My parents loved traveling and briought my sister and I along. One of the most memorable trips was when we travelled to Africa and stayed in Tunisia for a month. The difference in culture was fascinating and I spent my days searching for monkeys in the trees and learning how to cook horsemeat. This trip widened my worldview significantly and helped me to develop compassion for those who lived in sub-par circumstances. My love of travel was also born.
  • Best Friend

    Best Friend
    Brittany and I met as awkward Junior Highers, looking for acceptance, and now we have been friends for almost 20 years! The trials that we have been through together have been enormous. Through her constant friendship, I have learned the power of grace and redemption.
  • Orphanage in Kosovo

    Orphanage in Kosovo
    After a family trip to work at an orphanage in Kosovo, I realized that I needed to go back. My friend and I, two young college girls, packed our bags and headed to Eastern Europe by ourselves to work at that same orphanage and teach English at the University. I thrived with the independance this trip offered to me and I realized that serving others energizes me, helping me to choose the career path of a teacher.
  • Graduation!

    This marks a big stepping stone for me, as I became independent and started my own life. I've always been a bit dependent on my family, but hitting this goal ushered in the necessity to be responsible for myself and my own financial needs. I was hired right out of college and loved being a high school English teacher.
  • Joshua's Birth

    Joshua's Birth
    My nephew Joshua is a part of me in a way that I can't comprehend. His little heart was bound to mine from day one and he has always been my shadow. He is wise beyond his years.
  • Madelyn's Birth

    Madelyn's Birth
    My niece, Maddie, is such a precious part of my life. Everyone says that she looks just like her Aunt Megan and has the same "spunk" as me too. She often greets people by saying, "What's up, dawg?", much to the embarassment of her parents. I left my mark :)
  • Tom's Death

    Tom's Death
    My boyfriend Tom was such a bright light in my life and everyone loved him. When he passed away suddenly in a motorcycle accident, we all had a difficult time coming to terms with it. Although it still feels entirely unreal, I learned what all people learn from an untimely death- to live in the moment.