Mitchell Brown's Time Line

  • Greens Boro Sit-In

    Greens Boro Sit-In
    This event happened in Greensboro,North Carolina. The methods were to appeal a case to the court to be able to sit in at a lunch counter the leaders were four college students results were lunch counter changed it's resturaunts policys and began to welcome African Americans.
  • Busing In Charolette

    Busing In Charolette
    This event happened in mecklenberg county.The methods were to take it to the court. The leaders were James M Mcullian and the results were Charolette became famous.
  • Letter From Birmingham Jail

    Letter From Birmingham Jail
    This event took place at Birmingham Jail . The method was to write a letter to group of white religous leaders. The leaders were 20 million blacks,martin luther king and clergiman. The results were they got to be non segragated and he got out of jail and everyone was eqaul.
  • March To Washington DC

    March To Washington DC
    This event took place in washington the metods were to give a speech and march to washingon dc the leaders were martin luther king and emily rock the results were to free all the blacks and make it be equal
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    This event was in Washington DC and the methods were to pass a civil rights bill the leaders were Lydon Johnson and Kennedy the results were the act prohibited discrimination against Africans Americans.
  • Kings Assacination

    Kings Assacination
    This happened in Mimphis Tennesee .The methods were violent because he was shot and killed leaders were John Brown and Martin Luther King. The results were many people were up set and started setting fires every where.
  • Wilmington Roits

    Wilmington Roits
    This event took place in Wilmington methods were violent by siting stores on fire and bombing places the leaders were nine african american men and the results were non of the blacks were found quilty.