Middle East History

  • Particion of Palistine Mandate

    Particion of Palistine Mandate
    "U.N. Votes for Partition of Palestine." History.com. A&E
    Bombing and rioting became a common event among Jews and Arabs. The rejection of the UN particion had caused a war between the two states. This war would not officially start unitl May 1948. At a camel market, a Jew was killed in response.
  • Hagana Transitions into an Army

    Hagana Transitions into an Army
    "Museums in Israel: The Haganah Museum." The Haganah Museum. Haganah Museum, n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2015.Asam Salama attempted to overun kubbutz Efal with a force of 150 Palistinians. As a result, David Ben-Gruion ordered the Hagana force to transition into a regular army. Hagana would now turn into an offensive force instead of a defensive one. This would start a cycle of retaliatory attacks between Jews and Arabs.
  • Israeli Declaration of Independence

    Israeli Declaration of Independence
    Israel was declared as an independant state in a meeting at the Tel Aviv Museum. The British Mandate over Palestine had expired a day earlier and the USA and USSR eventually came to recognise Israel as a state as well. This was seen as a new beginning for Jews but many Palestinians were kicked from their land. This declaration would soon lead to an Arab-Israeli war. Citation:
    "Declaration of Establishment of State of Israel." GxMSDev. Israel, 14 May 1948. Web. 02 Mar. 2015.
  • Arab Israeli War

    Arab Israeli War
    There had been conflict between Palistinians and Jews after British mandates made years before. A UN particion plan to divide palistine caused a civil war to erupt. When Israel declared itself an independant state on May 14, this civil war evolved into an inter-state conflict. The Israelis won and ended up taking way more land than what was promised to them.
  • Formation of Israeli Airforce

    Formation of Israeli Airforce
    "History of the Israeli Air Force." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Feb. 2015. Web. 02 Mar. 2015.
    After Israel declared itself an independant state, they formed an airforce. They were equiped with French, British, and US built aircraft. They needed fairly advanced aircraft to combat the soviet equiped Palestinian airforce. During the Six-Day War, the Israeli Airforce severely damaged the entire Egyptian Airforce.
  • Dead Israelis found

    Two Israeli IDF soldiers were found decapitated near "Hill 213". One month before, the Two Soldiers were involved in a skirmish which resulted in the burning of Arab homes. 19 Arabs were captured. 14 were killed and the rest were sent to prison camps.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    Israelis struck first and then British and French forces joined them. The British were able to take the area around the Suez Canal but the soviets were funding arab countries. Talks of Nuclear conflict between the US and USSR arised as oposing sides were funded. The War Finally ended in March 1957 after the US threatened Economic sanctions on Israel, Britain, and France.
  • Six Day War Ends

    Six Day War Ends
    The UN ends the Six Day War with a cease-fire. The enemies of Israel had been badly beaten with the entirety of the Egyptian Airforce lost. Israel had fought on several fronts, attacking Egypt form the Gaza Strip and Sanai Sinai Peninsula. The Jordanians were fought from the West Bank and the Syrians from the GOlan Heights.
  • War of Attricion

    War of Attricion
    Nassar responded to Israeli occupation of the Egyptian area around the suez canal with constant military activity. The US was trying to negotiate peace talks and cease fires as the Egyptians were trying to get soviet SAMs. Other peace initiatives were not well recieved by Israel as they were highly suspicious of the Egyptians. This was the aftermath of the Suez Crisis.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    The Arab countries of Syria and Egypt launched attacks on Israel on Yom Kippur in order to gain back territory lost in 1967. Syria was backed by Jordan and Iraq soon joined the war. The War ended in an Israeli victory but at the cost of high casualties. Although Arabs lost, their confidence had increased because they had put up a much better fight than before.