Mexican Rebellion and Government

  • Marquis de Rubins report and his recommendations

    Marquis de Rubins report and his recommendations
    -He went to New Spain to organize an army and colonial militia.
    -He was a mission and presido inspector and travelled all over.
    -He told New Spain that thery need to reorganize their frontier differences.
    -This frontier would soon be the border between Mexico and Texas.
    Marquis went to New Spain to organize armies and militias. While he was there he was a mission and presido inspector. He told New Spain that they needed to reorganize their frontier defenses.
  • Philip Nolan

    Philip Nolan
    -He came to texas with the hope to capture mustangs and sell them to people
    -He was arrested for making maps and having a close relationship with the united states general
    -When he came back to texas he was killed in a fight with spanish soldiers
    Philip Nolan was trying to sell mustangs to people. While he was he also was making maps. He was later arrested for doing so and being close with a united states general. Then later killed in a fight with spanish soldiers
  • Augustus Magee

    Augustus Magee
    -served as an army as a artillary regiment
    -He started his own force against the spanish
    -He occupied Tinidad with his force but that is where he became ill and later died
    Magee was a millitary man for a while. When he left the army he started his own force. They later conquered Trinidad and magee became ill.
  • Jose Gutierrez de Lara

    Jose Gutierrez de Lara
    -He went to the uinted states so solivit aid
    -He told James Monroe about plans to use texas as a base to liberate mexico
    -He and william Shaler set out for texas
    He aided people in the uinted states. Then made plans to liberate mexico. finally him and William sent out to go to texas.
  • Father Hidalgo

    Father Hidalgo
    -He ordered the arrest of native Spainards.
    -He called for rebellion so that Mexico could govern itself.
    -He was captured after helping the Mexicans, striped of his priesthood, and shot as a rebel and killed.
    Father Hidalgo was a Mexican priest. He started a rebellion for Mexico trying to let them govern themselves. He was captured by the Spainards, and was later shot and killed as a rebel.
  • Battle of Medina

    Battle of Medina
    -The Battle of Medina was fought in the 1800's.
    -This affected the destinies of Spain, Mexico, Unitied States, England and France.
    -The bodies of the war were left to lie there for 9 years.
    This battle was one of the bloodiest battles ever fought on Texas grounds. It affected more than just Mexico and Spain. Everyone who died in the war was left there for 9 years. Until they decided to bury them properly.
  • Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte
    -He took over Galveston island
    -left Galveston fro a little because it was part of the Louisiana purchase
    -He was attacked by indians because some people ran off with a indian woman
    -Finally he was ordered off Galveston by the U.S. army
  • Dr.James long

    Dr.James long
    -He joined the army as a sergeon in the War of 1812
    -He was associated with W.W. Walker in marketing buieness
    -He was commander of an expedition to conquer texas, then imprisoned in San Antonio
    Dr.James Long was the commander of an expedition to conquer texas. When they were there he got imprisoned in San Antonio. Finally they surrendered there fight. He was later later shot and killed from his crimes against Spain.
  • Mexican Federal Constitution

    Mexican Federal Constitution
    -The constitutional government of Texas started in the 1820's.
    -Catholic religion was made the state faith.
    -Presidents and vice presidents were elected for 4 year terms.
    -There were numerous limitations of the president's powers.
    Finally Texas got their independence. Under the constitution of Mexico they were free. The constitution of Mexico is very similar to the United States constitution.
  • State Colonization Law

    State Colonization Law
    -The law disposed of unappropriate lands within their limits of colonization.
    -All state laws had to confirm to this act.
    -You could not grant lands witin 20 leagues of an international boundary or within 10 leagues of the coast.
    This law disposed of lands that were unappropriate. Every state law had to abide to this act. You could not get lands within 20 leagues of a boundary. You could also not get lands with 10 leagues of the coast.
  • State Constitution

    State Constitution
    -The constitution of Mexico said that each state in the republic should have it's own constitution.
    -The constitution for Texas was framed in the 1820's.
    -The governors were elected for 4 years terms by vote.
    -The governors were pretty much like the presidents.
    The Texas constitution was also similar to the United States in many ways. Each state had their own governor that was elected by vote. The governor was like the president of the state. This right was given under the constitution of Mexco.
  • Merger of Coahulia y Texas

    Merger of Coahulia y Texas
    -They encouraged the tilling of soil and the growth of ranches.
    -Americans could settle on Texas but Mexicans would get the first choice on land.
    -At first immigrants were free of all taxes.
    -Immigrants had to take an oath to abide by state and national laws, worship the Christian religion, and present good conduct.
    People were encouraged to ranch. Americans could settle on on Texas but did get first choice on land. Immigrants were free of taxes at first. But had to taken an oath for Mexico.