Mexican History

  • Napolean's claim

    Napoleon took Louisiana back from New Spain but sold it to the United States.
  • Napoleon deposed King

    Napoleon deposed Spanish king and replaced him with his brother, Joseph, precipitating revolution and the Peninsular War and, ultimately, his own downfall.
  • Meican Patriots declare independence on Spain

    The people finally decide that it is in their best interests to become a new country.
  • War for Independence ends

    The war of Independence ends and the Patriots win over the Spainsh crown.
  • Established New Nation

    General Augustín de Iturbide signed the Plan of Iguala to establish the new nation: conservative rule to protect upper orders against the masses. In July, the last Viceroy, Juan O'Donojú, recognized Mexican independence in the Treaty of Córdoba. Iturbide proclaimed himself Emperor Iturbide I. In the same year, Austins began American settlement of Texas.
  • First Mexican Empire with Agustin as Emperor

    First Mexican Empire with Agustin as Emperor
    Agustin was a promising war hero that they choose to be Emperor. (not the best choice)
  • First Mexican Empire falls apart

  • Santa Anna desposed Iturbide

    General Santa Anna deposed Iturbide and declared a Republic. Bitter struggle began between centrists (conservatives) and federalists (liberals), continuing to 1860.
  • Mexico wants people to settle in their North

  • Santa Anna changed sides.

    1834-1846 Santa Anna turned his coat and led Centrists to power.
  • War for Texas Independence

    Tejanos (American Texans) vs. Mexican Government
  • Won battle of San Jacinto- Texans

    Because of Santa Anna's centrization, Texas declared its independence and won it at the Battle of San Jacinto.
  • Texas joins the US

    Texas joins the US
    After the war, Texas could not provide for themselves so they joined the US.
  • Polks annexs Texas

    Polks annexs Texas
    The United States annexed the Republic of Texas. President James K. Polk sent John Slidell to Mexico to settle differences but war party in Mexico under Paredes won out.
  • New Constitution

    A new constitution and a liberal victory, but three years of civil war followed until Benito Juarez emerged as liberal leader and President.
  • New constitution- Juarez President

    New constitution- Juarez President
    1857 A new constitution and a liberal victory, but three years of civil war followed until Benito Juarez emerged as liberal leader and President.
  • Interventions

    European intervention during the American Civil War by Great Britain, Spain and France. First two withdrew shortly thereafter.
  • French Invades

    French army captured Mexico City and Archduke Maximilian of Austria-Hungary, a Hapsburg, proclaimed second Emperor of Mexico.
  • President yet agian

    1867-1872 Juarez is again President of Mexico; died in office.
  • Porfirio Diaz

    Porfirio Diaz
    1877-1911 Porfirio Diáz dictator of Mexico for all but four years. Encouraged foreign exploitation of Mexico's natural wealth, but Mexico City becomes a metropolis.
  • Mexican Revolution

    Mexican Revolution
    1910-1920 Mexican Revolution -- Madero, Huerta, Carranza, Villa and Zapata.