Merchant of Venice 1501-1600

  • Jan 1, 1501

    Expulsion of Jews from England

    Expulsion of Jews from England
    The expulsion of Jews began in 1290, and lasted for 350 years until 1640. English leaders forced upwards of 4,000 Jews out of their country. (Schoenberg)
  • Jan 1, 1509

    Spanish and Portuguese Conversos

    Spanish and Portuguese Conversos
    Under the reign of Henry VIII and Edward VI, Spanish and Portuguese Conversos were allowed to live in England since they had switched to Christianity. However, they continued to practice Judaism in London and Bristol in secret. (Schoenberg)
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Henry VIII's Divorce from Catherine of Aragon

    Henry VIII's Divorce from Catherine of Aragon
    Henry VIII used Jews to help him win the case of divorcing Catherine and marrying Anne Boleyn. This was around the start of readmittance of Jews into England. (Schoenberg)
  • Jan 1, 1542


    The english people hated the jews so much that they would question and ban Spanish merchants because of jewish suspicion (Hyamson).
  • Jan 1, 1551

    Jews In England

    Jews In England
    There is no record of Jews in England except those involved with the Domus Conversorem (House of the Converts), which was a communal home for Jews who had converted to Christianity. (Multicultural Wales).
  • Jan 1, 1581

    The Three Ladies of London

    The Three Ladies of London
    Play written by Robert Wilson that depicts Jews changing their faith by swearing their alleigiance to the country and worshipping Mahomet in order to relieve their debt. In the end, the "onstage Jew," Mercadorus, shows the falseity in the Christian religion. (Dessen)
  • Jan 1, 1582

    Jewish customs

    Jewish customs
    English Merchants were still particiapting in jewish customs and religions. This was call Judaizing. This was a big hassle to regulate (Hyamson).
  • Joachim Gaunse

    Joachim Gaunse
    He was a jew that that was a mining expert. He accompanied Walter Raliegh in his expedtion (Hyamson).
  • Henry VIII

    Henry VIII used jewish scholars to justify his divorce from his wife. This was very rare because jews were not considered smart or reliable. This event was happening during the readmission period for the jews (Barnavi).
  • Converso Dr. Hector Nunes

    Converso Dr. Hector Nunes
    He was a jew that was imprisoned at one time and Queen Elizabeth fought for him to get out. When he got out he ended up sailing the Spanish Armada. This was very rare because jews were not recognized as smart or talented (Barnavi).
  • The Jew of Malta

    Christopher Marlowe was a playwrite in the time period when jews were starting to be readmitted to England. This play was about a jew being in question about a murder. This was very unheard of because people didnt like the jews. The play was very successful. (Goldberg)
  • Jewish villains

    Jewish villains
    Jews were seen only as villians and not respected as good people until the play Jew of Malta (Barnavi).
  • Rodrigo Lopez

    Rodrigo Lopez
    He was the personal physician of Queen Elizabeth. He was convicted on scheming to poison the queen. This is relatable because a jew working for the queen was very rare. Also they are supposed to respect the queen, not try to kill her (Weebly).
  • Rodrigo Lopez

    Rodrigo Lopez
    Lopez's death was thought to have been one of the main influence's in William Shakespear's reason for writng The Merchant of Venice and for the main character, Shylock. (Kellerman).
  • The Merchant of Venice

    The Merchant of Venice
    William Shakespear began writing The Merchant of Venice in 1596, and supposedly completed it in 1598. (Wells).