Medical History of the World

By lxl1906
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    3000s B.C. -Egyptians- Eye of Horus

    Egyptians used the Eye of Horus in gold and silver jewelry as a sign of protection.
    They believed that it helped keep good health.
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    3000s B.C. -Trepnation

    Ancient civilizations used trepanation, a method where people would drill holes in patients’ heads to cure them from evil spirits, headaches, blood clots, and other diseases.
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    Biblical Times- Jewish Remedies

    Jewish physicians used natural remedies and oils as medicine.
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    460 B.C. -First Form of Aspirin

    Hippocrates was the first to prescribe a form of aspirin that relieved headaches and muscle and joint aches.
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    500 B.C.-Public Baths are Created

    Public baths were created so that not just the rich could have personal hygiene to prevent diseases and epidemics. There was a small fee to get in because they felt it would help people to regain good health.
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    800 B.C.- Romans Drain Marshes for Malaria

    The Romans were the first to drain marshes to rid areas of malaria carrying mosquitoes. This fixes the problem of people getting diseases from mosquitoes.
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    600 B.C. Mons and Priests Care for the Sick

    Monks and priests provided custodial care for sick people which provided the foundation for our clinics and hospitals in years to come.
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    400 B.C.- First Morphine Made from Poppies

    Herbs and plants were used as medicine and during this age the people were the first to use morphine from opium poppies.
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    350 B.C.- Greek Temples Serve as Healing Places

    Temples built in Aesculapius honor functioned as centers of medical advice, prognosis, and healing. At these shrines patients enter a dreamlike state of induced sleep not unlike anesthesia. During this the people either received guidance from a deity or were cured by surgery. These temples also provided carefully controlled spaces conducive to healing and fulfilled several requirements of institutions created for healing.
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    2600 B.C.- Egyptian Imhotep

    Imhotep diagnoses and treats 200 diseases. He also did surgery, dentistry, knew about body systems and was very advanced for his age.
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    505 B.C. Difference Between Veins and Arteries

    Alcmaeon of Croton found the difference between veins and arteries
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    Jews used the practice of circumcision to purify a male.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1350 to

    Cause of Epidemics Discovered

    William Harry, the first person to properly describe the systemic circulation and properties of blood, which is pumped around the body by the heart. Girolamo Fracasturo, created the idea that epidemics may be caused by pathogens from outside the body that my be passed on from human to human by direct or indirect contact.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    First Blood Transfusion

    The first blood transfusion experiment, transferring blood from one dog to another. .
  • Citrus Fruits as Medicine and How Diseases Attack Discovered

    James Lind discovers that citrus fruits prevent scurvy. Marie Francois Bichat realized that diseases attacked tissues rather than whole organs.
  • Washing Hands During Childbirth is Introduced

    Ignaz Semmelweiss told doctors to wash their hands before touching their child patients, this reduced childbed fever rates in new mothers
  • First C-Section

    First C- section performed with anesthesia at St. Bartholomew’s hospital in London. The baby survived but the mother died two days after surgery
  • Discovery that Blood Types are Compatible

    Karl Landsteiner(Austrian-American) found that blood types are compatible or they’re not compatible. Received the 1930 Nobel prize for Physiology or medicine for his discovery
  • First Insulin

    First insulin was used to treat people with diabetes
  • First Flu Vaccine

    Jonas Salk Thomas Francis develop the first vaccine for influenza. The first vaccine was used to help the U.S. soldiers in World War II
  • Cardiac Pacemaker Invented

    The cardiac pacemaker that controls irregular heartbeat was invented by Paul Zoll.
  • First Heart Transplant

    Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the world’s first human heart transplant. They took the heart of a 25 year old woman who had died in a car accident and gave it to Louis Washansky who was dying from heart damage.
  • First vaccine for chicken pox.

    First vaccine for chicken pox.
  • First vaccine for pneumonia

    First vaccine for pneumonia
  • First vaccine for meningitis

    First vaccine for meningitis(acute inflammation of membranes that protect the spinal cord and brain
  • End of Smallpox

    World Health Organization announced that smallpox died out
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    Smallpox Recorded

    First record of smallpox by Rhazes.