
Math Learning That Sticks With You

  • Introduction to Class/Fellowship

    First day of class we are going to make name tags for our desk with four things about youself,that you would like your classmate to know about you. Then we will partner up and introduce our partner.
  • Period: to

    Fifih Grade Math

  • Place Value and Number Sense

    The process is broken down into 8 section. I will group some sections because they are short. In this chapter our goal is to analyze information to solve increasigly more sophisticted problems. We will be adding and subtracting whole numbers, multiplying and diving using one digits, probability and statistics,factions,decemial,place value and place value.
    Chapter 1 will take use about one months to cover.
  • Geometry

    Chapter 2
    In this chapter we will be learning about shapes, three types of triangles,line sgments, three types of angles,parallel,perpendicular intersecting lines,parts of a circle and how to find Radius, diameter,circumference,and area of a cirle. This chapter is long it will take us approximately 2 months to complete.
  • Continue of Geometry

  • Decimals

    Chapter 3
    In this chapter we will be learing many differernt ways how decimals are used. The first few sections we will learn place vaule , rounding,compare with fractions, using number lines and put assorted decimal,faction,and mixednumbers in order. In this chapter we will use addition and subtraction with decimals, using multiplication and division with decimals.
    This chapter is short due to Thanksgiving break!
    Happy Turkey
  • Problem Solving and Number Theory

    Chapter 4 & 5
    In chapter 4 we will learn how to solve them using more than one step. We will also solve word problems with extra or missing information.
    In Chapter 5 we will learn the least common multiple,find the greatest common factor.
    This will be a short lesson because of the holidays
    Have a safe Holiday and a Happy New Year!
  • Fractions and Mixed numbers

    Chapter 6
    Welcom back student and parents!
    in this chapter we will be learning how to add and subtract fractions, multipying fractions,dividing fractions,rounding mixed numbers, and learning how to multiply mixed numbers by fraction.
  • Mixed Operations and Graphs

    Chapter 7is a short lesson. We will be putting our math skills to test using mixed operations. We will add,subtract,multiply,and divide whole numbers, fraction,decimal, and word problems.
    Chapter 8 we will learn how to plot whole numbers,fractions and decimals. These chapter should be a breeze, by now we should have all our facts memorized.
  • Algebra

    Chapter 8
    Is one of my favorite subject to teach. We will be learning how to solve equations 1 and 2, simplify expressions using order of operations and parentheses (PEMDAS) .We will also learn how to write variable expessions.
  • Comsumer Math and Ratios,Proportions,and Percents

    Chapter 9
    In consumer math we will learn how to use price list,saleprice,and unit prices. We will learn how convert between percents,fraction,and decimal. We will learn how to get a % of a number.
  • Measurements, Time, Probability and Statistics

    Chapter 10 we will learn how to use the right measurements unsing metric units.We will learn how to convert time units, find start and end times in word problems. Last subject of the year we will learn the mean,median,mode,and range to find a missing number. We will read charts to find the mean median,mode,and range.
  • Final Exams

    Hint Study your Chapter Tests!
    There will be 25 questions and 2 bonus question worth 5pts a piece.
    GooD LucK!