Master timeline

  • Aug 3, 1492

    christopher columbus sailed the ocean

    christopher columbus sailed the ocean
    in 1492 christopher columbus sailed the ocean, even though everyone else said the world was flat, he begged to differ.
    He landed in what is now called he Bahamas even though he landed off course he still discovered in what is now called the U.S.A.
  • french and indidan war

    the even year war between the british and the america
  • french and indian war

    he french fought against the british it was a long battle that took 7
  • steam engine

    was used to transport goods and items down rivvers or countried ALOT faster.
  • boston massacre

    when the british fired shos into a innocent crowd of people
  • boston ea party

    settle diferrances between the british and the us
  • amercian revoloution

    the battle begins at lexingotn and concord
  • declaration of independence

    one of the most important documentts in the us
  • crossesthe deleware river Gerorge washington

    famous pictture used today
  • revoulutionary war ends

    the revouloutionary war ends with the traty of paris
  • washingtons farewell adress

    stated and listed many things that we use in todays government
  • louisianna purchase

    the huge land that the us had purchased from france for 15 million
  • missouri slave state

    misssouri was admited as a slave state
  • mexico becomes a republic

    mexico becomes a republic after seceeding from spain and will stand in the way of manifest destiny
  • nat turner

    nat turner leads a unsuccessful slave rebelion
  • charles babbage

    invented the analytic engine also know as the computer or a much older ersion of it.
  • war with mexico

    the us declares war with mexico so texas can have their freedom and the us can continue with manifest destiny
  • mexican war

    mexico finally gave texas they're freedom and the us does not need to fght them anymore
  • cailfornia gold rush

    califronia gold rush begins
  • henry clay

    henry clay led a rreat debate on slavery
  • kansas nebraska act

    ruled that all states free and slave will have a equal balance and not one will have more states
  • dred scott

    ruled that free slaves are not concidered citizens
  • john brown

    john brown raids harpers ferrry hoping that more slaves form the south would come and help him
  • south carolina

    secedes from the unon
  • civil war

    the beginging of the ar that was to determin weather slavery was abolished or not
  • gold currency

    gold was signed the official currency back then