World war 1 aef

Marching toward World War I

  • Period: to

    Germany's Unification

    War was used by Otto Von Bismarck to unify Gerrmany.
  • Tangled Alliances

    Tangled Alliances
    A system of alliances was created to keep peace in Europe. However, it would instead encourage the Great Powers to go into war.
  • Dual Alliance.

    Bismarck formed an alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary.
  • Treaty with Russia.

    Bismarck signed a treaty to ally with Russia, in order to weaken France.
  • Triple alliance

    Triple alliance
    Italy joined the Germany and Austria-Hungary alliance, forming the triple alliance.
  • Wihelm II claims power over Germany

    Wihelm II forced Brismarck to resign, assuming the total power of Germany. This new leader believed that the army was the "gratest pride" of their nation and wanted to show Gernany's strenght through it.
  • The Armenian massacre

    Armenians did several attempts to gain their freedom . In concequence, the Turkish troops killed thousands of Armenians. This event was called The Armenian Massacre.
  • Russia allies with France

    Wilhelm let Germany's treaty with Russia lapse. As a result , Russia Formed a deffernsive military allience with France
  • Concern was shown by peace activists.

    Frederic Passy expressed his concern, he explained that militarism was a policy that would lead to a world massacre.
  • Imperialism

    Imperialism in Africa and Asia contributed to the struggle between European nations, due to the fact that countries such as Great Britain and France wanted power over the new continents.
  • The Triple Entente and Triple Allience

    The Triple Entente  and Triple Allience
    *Britain made another entente with France and Russia. This was named the Triple Entente.
    *By this year there were two rival camps in Europe ,the triple allience and the Triple entente. The fisrt groupe was formed by Germany, Austria-Hungary and italy, and the second group was formed by France, Grat Britain and Russia.
  • Crisis in the Balkans

    Austria took over Bosnia and Herzegovia ; which were areas of large Slavic population after the decline of the Ottoman Empire. As a result of these actions and the rise of nationalism ,great tension grew between Austria-Hungary and Slavic population.
  • Militarism

    The policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war, caused great tension between the European nations. By this date, all the great powers except Great Britain had large standing armies.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife are assasinated.

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife are assasinated.
    Austrio-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were shot by a Serbian man; who was member of the Black Hand which was a society commited to ridding Bosnia of Austrian rule.