
Major events in Russian history (from medieval times to the rise of the Soviet Union)

By kseto
  • Oct 7, 1237

    Mongols invade Russia

    Mongols invade Russia
    Mongols invade Russia, destroying numerous cities. This brought about great cultural changes.
  • Sep 15, 1552

    Ivan the Terrible consolidates power

    Ivan the Terrible consolidates power
    Ivan the Terrible conquers the Tatars and establishes the Tsardom of Russia.
  • Apr 15, 1581

    Cossacks started to conquer Siberia

    Cossacks started to conquer Siberia
    Cossacks entered Siberia in order to claim it for Russia.
  • Michael Romanov elected Tsar

    Michael Romanov elected Tsar
    National Council elects Michael Romanov as Tsar.
  • Peter the Great introduce reforms

    Peter the Great introduce reforms
    The tsar Peter the Great institutes a conscripted army and navy, reduces the power of the Orthodox Church in government affairs, and reorganizes the government along European lines. He is given credit for modernizing Russia.
  • Russian forces successfully oppose Napolean's Army

    Russian forces successfully oppose Napolean's Army
    Russia defeats Napolean's invasion and contributes to his overthrow in France.
  • Crushed Decembrist revolt

    Crushed Decembrist revolt
    Liberal army officers try to establish a government based on constitutional principles, but the revolt ultimately fails.
  • Serfdom edict

    Serfdom edict
    The Emancipation Edict legally ends serfdom but keeps peasants tied to the land in order to fulfill labor obligations to their lords.
  • Rivalry in the Balkans

    Rivalry in the Balkans
    Russia's long-standing feud with Austria contributes to instability in the Balkan's region, leading to the outbreak of WWI.