
By lucy22
  • 7.2 Exosystem

    7.2 Exosystem
    My father told me about the harsh discipline methods when he was young. He said that it was common for teachers and others to spank children if they misbehaved regardless of their relationship to the child. They valued discipline and committed to having all children respect the older people. In a sense, my father applied a lesser degree of punishment from this example of an exosystem. He engaged in a couple of techniques and disciplined us that way based on the things he saw as a child.
  • 1.1 Birth

    1.1 Birth
    I was named after my grandmother who passed away before I was born.
  • 2.4 APGAR

    2.4 APGAR
    The Apgar's scale score for Nicolai is a 9/10, according to my observations. He looked pink, except for his feet area where they looked blue. His respiratory effort was good as he demonstrated strong cries that allowed me to see when he was breathing extra hard. As the nurse looked at his heart rate, he seemed to be bothered by the coldness. He moved constantly and therefore I concluded the following results. Heart Rate: 2, Respiratory Effort: 2, Muscle tone: 2, Reflex Response: 2 and Color: 1.
  • 6.1 Basic Emotions

    6.1 Basic Emotions
    My first basic emotions were of confusion and distress. I was anxious when I was hungry and confused when I saw new objects. Of course these are only some emotions that my parents have said about when I was a baby. My emotions were already biologically determined. Demonstrating various types of emotions allowed me to communicate to my parents that I needed a diaper change or that I needed to be fed.
  • 4.2 First Word

    4.2 First Word
    My first word was a nominal as I used "mama" in Spanish to call for my mother. Because it's common to first start calling for parents, I'd say I was just a typical child. I had my first 2-word combinations at about 18 mo. when my mother took me on an airplane and she was yelling in Spanish that the plane was going to fall down. (shes not a fan of planes.) I imitated by saying "cay, mama." That meant "fall/falling." My syntatic structure took form in the Spanish language first. (verb + noun)
  • 3.1 Preoperational Magnetism

    3.1 Preoperational Magnetism
    For a 2 yr old (preoperational stage) to learn about the effects of throwing a ball may be egocentric task.Given this circumstance the next step would be for them to practice breaking that routine.They may learn through throwing a ball attached by a string to a paddle that it is capable of returning.I would stretch the ball out toward me & let go easily to demonstrate the effects.Although they may know the ball can be "thrown they will get out of that centration when seeing the ball bounce back
  • 6.2 Self Control

    6.2 Self Control
    I was expected to wait my turn as early as a being a toddler when attending birthday parties. We broke pinatas all the time and it was expected for everyone to form a line to take turns in hitting the "pinata." Of course I was 2 at the time and having to regulate my behaviors, did not come easy. I did not have self control as I tried to hit the pinata with my hands while the adults were watching at a distance. I also didnt demonstrate delay of gratification when I tried to pick from the cakes.
  • 5.1 Kohlberg's and Gender

    5.1 Kohlberg's and Gender
    Parker seemed to be close to 3 years of age. Parker seemed to be a late identifier of the Kohlberg's gender-identity stage. When asked if she was a boy or a girl, she gave the wrong anwer the frist time and for the second time she answered correctly. Based on the responses she seemed to be building up into the gender stability stage where children begin to know that a person's gender does not change.
  • 4.1 Memory

    4.1 Memory
    I was taken to Daycare before 3 yrs. For my 3rd bday, they took a pic of me opening a green bag with a teddy bear inside and in the background of that picture was a poster of a plastic car. I remember that I had that plastic car at home. My father had brought it home for me to ride. Theory about self is the most relevant in my memory. This memory occurred at 3 so I had already developed my "self." This also allowed for my autobiographical memory.
  • 8.1 Children and Television

    8.1 Children and Television
    Coming from a low SES, I remember having to watch Sesame Street a lot.I wouldn't often understand what they were saying because English was not my primarily language, but I was so proud of myself having to learn the alphabet.I'd tell my mom that I already knew my numbers, and colors.This TV program helped enhance my cognitive abilities & encouraged my prosocial behavior.I had this positive view school, so I feel that this may be part of the reason why I often did well in math tasks.
  • 2.1 Passive Gene

    2.1 Passive Gene
    Passive genes derive from a childs environment and genetic predisposition. My example of having a passive gene is being shy when exposed to social environments. My mother was naturally shy when she was young. As the youngest I was limited to engage in conversations with elders. In my case, my mother might have passed some of those "shy" genes and the lack of exposure to socialize with adults affected as well.
  • 6.4 Foreclosure

    6.4 Foreclosure
    An example of my foreclosure identity stage is one where my parents imposed Catholicism beliefs. We were forced to attend church as children and we became committed to take part in our church community. I have never thought of questioning beliefs relating to my religion and so I have never explored what it's like to believe in another religion other than my own. My parents believe in Catholicism, so I don't plan in switching/exploring other beliefs.
  • 8.2 School Transitions

    8.2 School Transitions
    The first day of school I experienced secure attachment.I was stressed as my mom left the first day and greeted her happily when she returned.Overall. I could say that I started school with a positive attitude.I was excited to learn and I befriended others easily.Even though I was one of the younger children in my class, I managed to do well and I was often assigned higher "responsibilites." I was selected by my teacher to become a "conflict manager" and represented the class on a spelling bee.
  • 5.2 Encouraging Gender Schemas

    5.2 Encouraging Gender Schemas
    During grade school, it was a task for every classroom to plant seeds and water them. Each class took their turn, Mon, Tues. etc. When it was time for our class, the teacher would encourage the boys to use the hoe garden tool while girls got to water the plants. This was a way to build the gender schema of having boys/males use their strength to dig and girls simply watered through the hose. Boys got dirty with dirt while girls kept themselves clean. It's quite interesting how they encouraged us
  • 3.2 Concrete Magnetism

    3.2 Concrete Magnetism
    A child in this stage has logical thinking, so using magnets may be a perfect way to build on concrete stage.I would want to have the child explore with various magnets by testing to see where the magnets may stick.The child would also have them stick together to see if every side of the magnets stick to one another.I would also have the child measure the various distances of combining the magnets. Example: Mag. A and Mag. B stick up to 3 inches apart.This method allows for logical thinking.
  • 1.3 Methods/Data

    1.3 Methods/Data
    Gathering accurate information from a child is when they are physically or mentally being abused by someone. My guess would be that by the age of 9 they could describe explicit details. A method used is to allow the child with opportunity to describe and not have responses based on leading questions. In this case, an investigator could use a clinical method where they ask open-ended questions on the child's line of thinking. This way the interviewer gathers valid information.
  • 1.2 Theories

    1.2 Theories
    My mother had surgery in Mexico City, so I got to live there for 4 mo. w/ no schooling.After coming back to the end of 3rd grade in the CA, one of my peers in my microsystem made fun of me and said that I would be held back. I think Bronfenbrenner would say that this direct event affected my psychological development.I had my cousin (microsystem) help me in homework which proved to help me at school (microsystem).The interaction between both microsystems helped my development in my mesosystem.
  • 7.1 Parenting Strategies

    7.1 Parenting Strategies
    My parent's strategies were "ol' school." My father especially was the one who disciplined. If we talked back to my mother, she'd let my father know and he'd yell or spank us depending on how bad we behaved.This method demonstrates a low selfevaluation of my father's efficacy, because according to the text, parents who think their efficacy is not as high will use harsh punishments and try to exert their dominance.
  • 3.3 Imaginary Audience

    3.3 Imaginary Audience
    I was 11 yrs when I first got my mentrual period. It was a huge thing because my mother did not warn me about it. I learned it at school and I was too embarrassed to ask for a pad. I had my friend ask the office and all day I felt like everyone knew I had gotten my period. I tried to convince my mother that it was best for me to stay home, but it didn't work. I felt like my mother couldn't understand that I really didn't want anyone to look at me at school. I thought others would scrutinize me.
  • 7.4 Friendship

    7.4 Friendship
    My best friend and I share very similar characteristics. We tend to agree on values and are often open to talk about anything. We attended the same elementary, middle, and high school together. We tend to behave reciprocally. If one calls the other on her birthday, the other does the same. Our birthdays are in the same month! and we're also the youngest members of our family. I never thought how many things we had in common. We come from the same culture values as well.
  • 2.2 Active Gene

    2.2 Active Gene
    My parents were never interested in playing sports. I was a bit different. I loved to push myself and I was involved in running Cross-Country, playing basketball and soccer. I felt a strong sense of satisfaction when I noticed improvements. I had my mother drive me to games out of town and I encouraged my father to pay for summer programs. (soccer) This is an example of having myself drive my environment into what I apreciated at the time. I was motivated by the thought of improving my skills.
  • 2.3 Evocative Gene

    2.3 Evocative Gene
    In my upbringing, it is common for every girl turning 15 to have a Quinceanera. They celebrate a girl turing into a woman. My older sisters had a huge celebration, however because of my shyness in having to talk to strangers (even when they were family) I didn't care to have one. My parents didnt encourage to reconsider because they knew better than to insist. My parents (env) changed their behavior toward having a Quinceanera because of my shyness. I didnt attract the attention to myself.
  • 7.3 Crowds and Cliques

    7.3 Crowds and Cliques
    When I was in high school I tended to hang out with people who had similar goals as I did, we formed a clique because of our frequent interactiong at school. We were seen as the "smart" crowd by others, because our focus was to get into college. We tended to do well in courses and many looked at us as being smart, but we didn't necessarily feel smart. Our clique constantly studied for exams and interpreted material we didn't understand. We also hung out together outside of school.
  • 3.3 The Personal Fable

    3.3 The Personal Fable
    Everyone in h.s. went to hang out in groups and I felt tied to my house because my mother would get nervous attacks and didnt want me to leave her alone. I felt a sense of "no one has ever eperienced this like I do." Instead of seeking bad habits, (drugs, alcohol etc) I dedicated myself to succeed in school and challenge myself in playing sports. I then used my "good behavior" excuse so my father could let me go out with friends. I felt that I was trusted and viewed as a responsible teenager.
  • 6.3 Moratorium

    6.3 Moratorium
    One identity crisis was when I wanted to figure out my career choice (end of Fall semester soph colleg). I had not explored until spring semester when I took an introduction to Communication Disorders course. I was not cmmitted to declare my major, but taking that class changed my identity. I had explored what it would consist of. I had not yet committed to declare my major until the very last week of Spring semester. This clearly demonstrates moratorium stage in Marcia's Identity Status.