
  • Sep 17, 1234

    Sources; http://www.pbs.org/opb/nerds2.0.1/timeline/

  • 1957-The USSR launches Sputnik, the first artificial earth satellite. In response,the United States forms the Advanced Research Projects Agency within the Department of Defense to establish US lead in science and technology applicable to the military.

    1957-The USSR launches Sputnik, the first artificial earth satellite. In response,the United States forms the Advanced Research Projects Agency within the Department of Defense to establish US lead in science and technology applicable to the military.
  • 1961-Leonard Kleinrock information Flow in Large Communications. First paper on packet-switching theory.

    1961-Leonard Kleinrock information Flow in Large Communications. First paper on packet-switching theory.
  • 1962-Licklider becomes the founding directory for ARPA's Information Processing Techniques Office and the behavioral science division.

    1962-Licklider becomes the founding directory for ARPA's Information Processing Techniques Office and the behavioral science division.
  • 1965- ARPA sponsors study on cooperative network of time-sharing computers at MIT Lincoln Lab and System Development Corporation Santa Monica, CA are directly linked without packet switches.

    1965- ARPA sponsors study on cooperative network of time-sharing computers at MIT Lincoln Lab and System Development Corporation Santa Monica, CA are directly linked without packet switches.
  • 1968-ARPA mails out 140 Requests for Proposals to prospective contractors to build the first four IMPs.

    1968-ARPA mails out 140 Requests for Proposals to prospective contractors to build the first four IMPs.
  • 1969-First node-to-node message sent between UCLA and SRI - which was also the first ARPAnet crash.

    1969-First node-to-node message sent between UCLA and SRI - which was also the first ARPAnet crash.
  • 1970-ALOHAnet developed by Norm Abramson.

    1970-ALOHAnet developed by Norm Abramson.
  • 1972-International Conference on Computer Communications with 40 machines and the Terminal Interface Processor.

    1972-International Conference on Computer Communications with 40 machines and the Terminal Interface Processor.
  • 1973-First international connections to the ARPANET;UCLE and RREN.

    1973-First international connections to the ARPANET;UCLE and RREN.
  • 1974-The first commercial packet-switched data service.

    1974-The first commercial packet-switched data service.
  • 1975-Operational management of Internet transferred to DCA now DISA.

    1975-Operational management of Internet transferred to DCA now DISA.
  • 1976-Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom sends out an e-mail.

    1976-Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom sends out an e-mail.
  • 1977- THEORYNET created by Larry Landweber at UW providing electronic mail to over 100 researchers in computer science

    1977- THEORYNET created by Larry Landweber at UW providing electronic mail to over 100 researchers in computer science
  • 1979- Computer scientists from many universities to establish a Computer.

    1979- Computer scientists from many universities to establish a Computer.
  • 1980-Domain Name System introduced. Number of hosts breaks 1,000.

    1980-Domain Name System introduced. Number of hosts breaks 1,000.
  • 1983- Desktop workstations come into being, many with Berkeley UNIX which includes IP networking software.

    1983- Desktop workstations come into being, many with Berkeley UNIX which includes IP networking software.
  • 1989-Number of hosts breaks 100,000.

    1989-Number of hosts breaks 100,000.
  • 1991- World-Wide Web (WWW) released by CERN; Tim Berners-Lee developer.

    1991- World-Wide Web (WWW) released by CERN; Tim Berners-Lee developer.
  • 1992-Internet Society is chartered Number of hosts breaks 1,000,000.

    1992-Internet Society is chartered Number of hosts breaks 1,000,000.
  • 1994- WWW edges out telnet to become 2nd most popular service on the Net (behind ftp-data) based on % of packets and bytes traffic distribution on NSFNET.

    1994- WWW edges out telnet to become 2nd most popular service on the Net (behind ftp-data) based on % of packets and bytes traffic distribution on NSFNET.
  • 1995- RealAudio, an audio streaming technology, lets the Net hear in near real-time. / 1995 completed "HTML 2.0", the first HTML specification

    1995- RealAudio, an audio streaming technology, lets the Net hear in near real-time. / 1995 completed "HTML 2.0", the first HTML specification
  • 1996-Internet phones catch the attention of US telecommunication companies who ask the US Congress to ban the technology.

    1996-Internet phones catch the attention of US telecommunication companies who ask the US Congress to ban the technology.
  • 1998-Netscape releases the source code for its Netscape Navigator browswer to the public domain.

    1998-Netscape releases the source code for its Netscape Navigator browswer to the public domain.
  • 2003-HTML5 was published as a Working Dra

    2003-HTML5 was published as a Working Dra