Writing 06  landscape 1

Logan S's Developmental Timeline

  • [Emotional] [Infancy]

    [Emotional] [Infancy]
    My temperment as an infant was very calm and curious.
  • [Cognitive] [Infancy]

    The Sensorimotor Stage, the best example of this in my infancy would be when my mother would lay me on a blanket while she was busy and I would roll around until i could see her again. My mother called me "Rolly-poley" during this time.
  • [Emotional] [Infancy]

    [Emotional] [Infancy]
    As an infant I was insecurely attached to my mother. having sibilings and her being a busy person hindered my early attachment.
  • [Physical] [Adolescences]

    [Physical] [Adolescences]
    My mother said it took me longer to walk seeing that I was an exceptionally chubby baby. (Hard to believe I know) but around 1-1/2-2 I was up and about!
  • [Cognitive] [Early Childhood]

    The Preoperational Stage, the best example of this stage in my own life would be when I was two I had a stuffed Pound Puppy that i called "Short Dog". When I would lose him I'd toddle around the house asking, "Short Dog?" to anyone near until I fould him.
  • [Physical] [Childhood]

    The motor skills I used in my Childhood physical activities were both gross and fine. Gross for the large amount of running, jumping and bike riding but also a fair amount of fine. Balance, dexterity and coordination are all required for sports and fort building.
  • [Cognitive] [Early Childhood]

    [Cognitive] [Early Childhood]
    One way my parents helped with my language aquisition was the way when I would ask for something, they would often reply using the grammar I misspoke. It helped me understand the way that grown-ups spoke and gave me the tools I needed to understand language as a system of rules.
  • [Cognitive] [Early/Middle/Late Childhood]

    [Cognitive] [Early/Middle/Late Childhood]
    When I started 3rd Grade we started having spelling tests in school and I realized that you could know something and have your knowledge of that something measured. I found this very exciting because I was really good at spelling tests and this improved how i viewed myself.
  • [Emotional] [Early Childhood]

    [Emotional] [Early Childhood]
    My temperment as a child didnt really vary form my temperment as a infant. Still a quiet,curious kid, though the bowl-cut was a nice addition.
  • [Physical] [Early Childhood]

    [Physical] [Early Childhood]
    As a young child I excercised constantly. We played outside nearly everday, riding bikes, building forts, playing football with my brothers. I liked it well enough but i always perferred reading or drawing.
  • [Cognitive] [Early Childhood]

    [Cognitive] [Early Childhood]
    From my earliest childhood through most of middle/late childhood i was very much interested in professions. (jobs people had and why they did them) This fits in the framework of categorization seeing that jobs were categories that became more complex. People who drove vehicles, sub categorized by what they drove, fire-trucks, semi-trucks, etc. My interest in reading however seems to go against the researched norms in terms of gender.
  • [Cognative] [Adolescence]

    Formal Operational stage, and the best example of this in my own adolescence would be the first time I read the Narnia series and being able to understand the symbolism and understanding how it could be a part of the story while also being seperate. It was kinda trippy.
  • [Physical] [Adolescences]

    [Physical] [Adolescences]
    I entered puberty fairly early around 12-13. I think it had a impact on the way I viewed myself and how others viewed me. I was much taller than most of my siblings at that point which was fun while it lasted.
  • [Cognitive] [Middle/Late Childhood]

    The Concrete Operational Stage, the best example of this would be out family trips to the zoo where I could categorized and sub-categorized the different animals as cats and knowing that lions were cats but different from other cats like tigers.
  • [Physical] [Adolescences]

    [Physical] [Adolescences]
    As an Adolescent I play sports, mostly soccer. I loved it, I have very found memories.
  • [Emotional] [Adolescence]

    [Emotional] [Adolescence]
    According to Sternberg's Theory of Love, my most important relationship in my adolescence was with my Father. Affectionate in nature we were very close and confided in eachother.
  • [Emotional] [Adulthood]

    [Emotional] [Adulthood]
    My attachment style in most of my relationships have been insecure. My current closest relationship with my best friend Jaime is insecure causing me to often be jealous or resentful. Luckily we're both aware of this flaw and are able to work through it.
  • [Physical] [Adolescences]

    [Physical] [Adolescences]
    I excercise often. I work out, go hiking and still play the occasional pick up game of sports.