Literacy Timeline - Jules Adkins

  • Birth

    I was born on August 3rd, 2003, along with my brother, Xander Ashton Adkins. My brother and I are twins, I was born naturally, and he was taken out by a C-section. I certainly am not the tallest, because my brother has to be the tallest freshman in school.
  • Kindergarten Days

    Kindergarten Days
    In Kindergarten, I didn't really like a kid that sat next to me. His name was JJ and he would steal my pencils all of the time. It made me furious so, one day, when he took my pencils again, I hit him as hard as I could in his nose and I made him bleed. Oops...
  • Concert

    Around 2013, my mother and my stepdad had bought tickets for my cousin and I to go to see Weird Al in concert. It was a rough ride, the car window broke mid-way to Lexington and we had to stop to buy trash bags to tape it up because it was raining so hard. We eventually got there, and we were late. But, we did have fun.
  • King's Island

    King's Island
    I hate heights, I despise them. My stepdad had forced me to ride a huge roller coaster and the whole time, I had cried. I still regret getting on the roller coaster to this day, it scarred me for life.
  • Start of Middle School

    Start of Middle School
    My first day of middle school was interesting, seeing all of the familiar faces but, seeing so many more people was a big change. I was anxious and shy, it took me a while to get used to class changes like 'periods'. It confused me but after a while, I got used to it.
  • My Best Friend

    My Best Friend
    In November of 2014, I had met my best friend, James. We met on a video game, I know, ironic, but he's one of the most nicest guys I've ever met. Him and I are still friends to this day and we talk all of the time.
  • Oklahoma Trip

    Oklahoma Trip
    In 2016, I had went to Oklahoma to visit my Aunt and Uncle. Let's say, I didn't like the drive. 15 hours, and plenty of stops, I was weak in the knees when I got out at my Aunt's house. It was rough.
  • Father's Death

    Father's Death
    On March 29th, 2016, I had lost my father to kidney failure, I felt like it was my fault for losing him. But, life is life I guess.
  • Rough Patch

    Rough Patch
    I went through a rough patch in 2017, I was the typical teenager, rebelling against my parents and eventually being put into my grandparent's home for the trouble I put my mother in. I do feel guilty but I'm living with her once again and all's well.
  • Collapse

    This Monday, my house's foundation had collapsed. Our Trailer is totaled and we're going to have to move. I really don't want to move until my 10th grade year here (at BCHS) is over.