literacy timeline - jaden carpenter

  • my nannys dog macy

    my nannys dog macy
    when my brother was born my mom got a dog named macy. she was a pug. my brother is now 19. she was 18 years old when she died. my mother gave her to my nanny when she had me. nanny would always take her to do things. she was spoiled. every day my nanny would give her a hotdog. she would buy them just for her. macy barley could walk. finally my nanny thought about putting her down not to long ago. she had to pick her up to take her out. macy was blind. when we went camping I would dress her up.
  • lost at a wedding

    lost at a wedding
    when i was 4 my cousin got married. me and macie shrout were the flower girls. they had it in a church. me and macie got lost in a basement. so when we had to be the flower girls there wasent any bevause we were still lost
  • turkey hunting

    turkey hunting
    when i turned 6 my uncle would always take me turkey hunting with him on step stone. he would always go out there and we would be waiting for one then all of a sudden i would hear snoring. needless to say we just went to sleep.
  • billy jonhson

    billy jonhson
    when I was in my mid 8's me and my uncle would always go turkey hunting. we would always leave early in the mornings around 4:30 - 5. we would always stop at Valero and talk to him. we would sit down there until it warmed up a little bit. he would get coffee. iw ould always get a snack and that was my favorite part
  • secrets

    when i was around the age 4-5 my mom took my passie. so when i went to my nannys house we would always hid one somewhere and when i would go there i would get it out and we would laugh forever about it.
  • going to school

    going to school
    when I was going to kindergarten, I would always cry when my mom dropped me off because I never wanted to leave her. I cried all the way up until 3rd grade. she would always brive me with stuff. like she would say "if you do good today then after school I will take you to get a happy meal. and I usually never got one because I would always end up crying.
  • horse shows

    horse shows
    when i was 7 i would go to the Lyons club and do some kind of horse show. i would always get a ribbon and i thought i was the bomb because i won. my ponys name was rosco pieco train. i had him until i was 15 then he died.
  • camping

    me and my nanny would always go camping. still do. we go camping at twin knobs. it would be me, my cousin, her, and my aunts. I loved it because I was spending lots of time with my family, and I would get to roast smores and eat good food on the grill. it made me so happy every time we would go. she was always tricking me about when we was gonna go then like 2 days before we would go she would be like "get your stuff together we are going camping tomorrow".
  • making candy with nanny

    making candy with nanny
    every year when i was around the age 5-7 i would go to my nanny's for Christmas and i would always go there the night before and me and her would make my favorite candy. i would usually eat it before christmas.
  • fishing with my favorite person

    fishing with my favorite person
    when i was around the age 9 my dad would take me and my brother fishing ans whoever caught the most fish would get to pick where we got to eat when we left... i maybe got to pick where we ate at 1 time...