
Literacy History

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I decided to be born on this day. I was entered into the world with the name Seth. The third son of Adam and Eve. The only religious thing about me and my upbringing.
  • Parents begin to read to me

    Parents begin to read to me
    My parents begin to read me stories before I go to bed, my favorite being The Napping House.
  • I learn how to read

    I learn how to read
    I learn how to read my first book. It had a few words on each page and I felt like a boss being able to read it. I always had a smug look like the little girl has in this picture. I would read it to everybody until my mom gave me a harder book and told me to read that to people. My smug face subsided.
  • First book I remember enjoying

    First book I remember enjoying
    I was in second grade and I remember reading this book about a boy and his lost father's dog. I forget it's name and can not find it on the internet no matter how hard I try. It was close to Coyote Ugly but in no way resemebled that movie.
  • Pen Pals

    My class worked on their cursive by writing to pen pals who were soldiers in the Iraq War. We exchanged two letters and a couple conversations on IM until we exhausted all possible conversation between a grown man and a thrid grader.
  • Made my class laugh for the first time

    Made my class laugh for the first time
    My class had to do a project on the month of september. I recorded a pain calender and explained how I got hurt on each day. The class laughed very hard even though I did not do it as a joke. That is when I realized making people laugh was an amazing feeling. (No one was in a bathtub but they are laughing)
  • New School, New Attitude

    New School, New Attitude
    Began school at an intermediate school where the two elementary schools combined. Decided to take on the new persona of the class clown rather than the quiet sensitive kid I was.
  • Free Writes

    Free Writes
    My fifth grade teacher gave us free writes every week. This is when I began to express my creativity and make them as humorous as possible. One particular free write resulted in me writing a song about school spirit. I performed for my class and then my future sixth grade teacher. The image relates because google takes some liberties when I type 'free write'.
  • I start sixth grade with Mr. DeRitis

    I start sixth grade with Mr. DeRitis
    This is my literacy sponsor and my favorite teacher of all time. All the activties he taught were creativity and allowed us the same. The poetry slams he held made me realize entertaining people is when I am most happy. The picture is his actual classroom off his website. I will always remember it fondly.
  • Listen to Two Drink Mike for the first time

    Listen to Two Drink Mike for the first time
    My friend Corey gave me this comedy album and I listened to it religiously. This is my literacy item because it meant so much me growing up. I looked to this as my start as a comedian because I began to think of jokes and not just write funny stories for school.
  • Dr. Fuller

    Dr. Fuller
    My english teacher for the year Dr. Fuller. A lot of his class was creative writing which I took as writing funny stories. Made my class laugh often and was the start of my sketch comedy. Grammatically and structurally awful my stories were, but they were funny.
  • Freshman English

    Freshman English
    My freshman english class dealt a lot with different religions which began to make me look at the the world through the eyes of different people and different beliefs. That in turn, made me better comedy.
  • Junior English Class

    Junior English Class
    My english teacher Mr. Dorr who was probably my favorite teacher in high school had us read a bunch of great books. The Great Gatsby, Walden, and a bunch of other books that began to open my eyes to different philosophies and points of view. Those books enhanced my comedy by looking through the world in different ways.
  • Here I am now

    Here I am now
    This is me now, working on this project...having a great time. Looking at life as if it is one joke after another. Look how big my eyebrows are. In the thumbnail it looks like a mistake