TimeLine English Maria Cecilia Lopez

  • Celebrated the new year

    Celebrated the new year
    Celebrate the New Year with my family taking a walk.
  • Celebrated grandmother's birthday

    Celebrated grandmother's birthday
    Celebrate the birthday of my grandmother in my home with my family
  • start again skating lessons

    start again skating lessons
    I went back to skating lessons and then started working in the same place
  • meeting with my school friends

    meeting with my school friends
    we met some friends from school to eat
  • Celebrated mother's day

    Celebrated mother's day
    celebrate Mother's Day coming to a shopping center
  • Celebrated Father's day

    Celebrated Father's day
    celebrate Father's Day with a family meal
  • Celebrated Cousin's birthday

    Celebrated Cousin's birthday
    I went to the birthday party of my cousin abby, was his second year in Colombia
  • Went to mulalo

    Went to mulalo
    llegamos a mulalo and montamos a caballo
  • Celebrated my birthday

    Celebrated my birthday
    one day before my birthday my friends celebrated my birthday