
My Lifeline by Nathan De Leon

By what_
  • Birth of my sister

    Birth of my sister
    On March 7th in the year 2007 my sister was born and it forever changed my way of life because I had to be a good influence and be there for her when she needs me. POSITIVE
  • Burned Hands

    Burned Hands
    When I was four years old I touched a hot pan burned my hands and learned not to touch anything on the stove. NEGATIVE
  • Fire

    When I was five years old I found a box of matches and read the instructions and tried to light on only to almost burn down my house. NEGATIVE
  • Asthma

    I was born with asthma was on treatment to help me breathe when I was younger one day I didn't take my medication and got an asthma attack I learned to take my medicine. NEGATIVE
  • City

    I moved schools houses and cities this was great because I got to live in a new city with new people and it was great. POSITIVE
  • Scooter

    I got a scooter and wanted to learn new tricks so I tried a trick failed and the handle bars stabbed me in my chest which left a bad bruise. NEGATIVE
  • Moved back

    Moved back
    I moved back to Rose mead got into a different school different house and it was great to be back. POSITIVE
  • Bullied

    When I got into a new school I was a bit chubby and got physically harassed and called names. NEGATIVE
  • Vacation

    For my moms birthday we went on vacation to the grand canyon and stayed in a hotel with bowling and an arcade best vacation. POSITIVE
  • Driving

    My uncle would give me driving lessons and let me drive home he was able to teach me how to drive. POSITIVE