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Life based on Erickson's Psychosocial Stages

  • Birth

  • Trust vs. Mistrust: Lack of Father

    Lack of father figure for various reasons. Likely contributed to a sense of Mistrust and doubt.
  • Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt: Learning to Walk

    I learned to walk by the time I was five months old. Acquisition of independence from an early age probably developed Autonomy.
  • Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt: Potty Training

    Potty trained at the age of eleven months. Another addition to Autonomy and indepedence.
  • Initiative vs. Guilt: Began Preschool

    Initiative vs. Guilt: Began Preschool
    Began preschool. Was not good at playing with the other children or making friends, and cried everyday for my mother to come retrieve me. Stopped attending preschool after four months. Probably contributed to a sense of Guilt at one's own inability to interact the way teachers and my mother wished.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority: Cory Dies

    My best friend Cory died of Lukemia. Due to the lack of social interaction outside of seeing him everyday (he was my neighbor), it probably developed a sense of Inferiority. I was often scolded by my mother on my inability to get along with other children.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority: Parents Divorce

    Parents get divorced. Likely contributed to feelings of Inferiority due to lack of mother's interest or father's presence. Mother was too stressed as a newly single parent of multiple elementary school-aged children to be attentive and praising.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority: Brain Aneurysm

    My mother had a brain aneurysm. Remained in the hospital for approximately a year and a half between intensive care and a physical therapy center. The first time I saw her since the incident (about eight months later) she didn't even remember my name. Lack of father figure remains, leaving me without parents. Led to a sense of Inferiority due to an absence of praise and affection or affectionate relationships.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority: Met My Best Friend

    Industry vs. Inferiority: Met My Best Friend
    In the sixth grade, I met my long-time best friend. Increased Industry from a successful social relationship.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation: Ella is born

    Intimacy vs. Isolation: Ella is born
    My niece, Ella, was born. Ella was my first niece (or nibling) and this contributed to Intimacy, because I was so very excited to take care of her all the time, and I saw her everyday. I loved her very very much, and it was a secure bond between her and I.
  • Identity vs. Confusion: SAT

    Identity vs. Confusion: SAT
    I took the SAT for the first time. Recieved a score of approximately 1250 in the seventh grade. Afterwards, I was contacted by multiple scholarship foundations. It strengthen my connection to identifying myself as one of the intellegent children, and finding my value and worth in education and grades.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation: Fin is born

    Intimacy vs. Isolation: Fin is born
    My nephew, Fin, was born. This contributed to Intimacy because it was a strong, loving and secure bond.
  • Identity vs. Confusion: Diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder

    Diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Contributed to both Confusion and Identity. Began to associate self with said mental disorder which contributed to Identity, yet it cause Confusion as to what that said about me as a person.
  • Identity vs. Confusion: Diagnosed with Depression

    During my freshman year I was diagnosed was depression. I was prescribed drugs that I didn't take, because I was afraid of someone finding out that I was depressed. I thought that everyone who judge me. This strongly contributed to Confusion, because I was torn between who I was and who I wanted everyone to think I was.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation: Layla is born

    Intimacy vs. Isolation: Layla is born
    My second niece, Layla, was born. This contributed to Intimacy rather than Isolation because I had a secure and loving bond.
  • Identity vs. Role Confusion: High School Graduation

    High school graduation (hopefully). Graduating high school would contribute to Identity and Independence, but may also add to Role Confusion if choice of college is still undecided. Worry about whether or not the correct choice is being made.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation: College Graduation

    (Hopefully) I'll graduate college, likely from Truman University (but I got a letter from Johns Hopkins University two days ago, so maybe I can keep my Ivy League dreams?) Erikson's theory states that it is utterly neccesary to have a strong sense of self to be able to form intimate relationships. Graduating from college would be a strengthening characteristic for Intimacy, because by the end of college, one knows who they are, as well as the sense of accomplishment to build self-esteem.
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation: Begin Teaching (hopefully)

    Hopefully I will begin my career soon after college. I want to spend as much of my life as possible doing what I love.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation: Marriage...one day?

    Hopefully I'll get married around the age of twenty-five. Itimacy is strengthened.
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation: Have (or adopt) a Child

    Having a child gives the feeling that one has contributed to the world and to their homes/families. Hopefully I'll have a child, which would strengthen Generativity.
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation: Publish a Book

    Generativity vs. Stagnation: Publish a Book
    I want to have written and published a book by this year. I don't care if it's successful or popular, I just want it to happen. It would strengthen Generativity because it would make me feel as if I have contributed to the world. Left the mark of my life of the world. Proof that I was here and alive. (Side note: the picture is of my favorite play by Shakespeare, Macbeth.)
  • Integrity vs. Despair: Reflection on Life

    At this point if my life goes as I hope that it may, I will have a lot to be happy about looking back. Graduating, becoming a teacher, possibly having a child, writing a book. This would contribute to Integrity, because I will feel like I did at least some things right with the time I was given.
  • Leaving This World

    Honestly, I'll be pretty pleased with myself if I make it to fifty years. I don't necessarily know if I'll make it, but it's a good goal, and I could die happy at that age.