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Laws of the Holocaust

  • Jewish Racism

    Jewish Racism
    The students were taught about different races. The Jews were a different race to them. Teachers would make non Jewish children say horrible things about them
  • Restoration of the Professional Civil Service

    Restoration of the Professional Civil Service
    They would exclude Jews from their work. They were classified as a Jew if they had at least one grandparent. It took 5 years for Nazi Party to demolish the Jews from work.
  • German Blood and German Honor

    German Blood and German Honor
    Law for protection of German Blood and German Honor. They prohibited marriages and intercourse between Germans and Jews, this is when they would make it where children could not have children. Women who were under 45 could not be employed under Jewish households.
  • No Citizenship for the Jews

    No Citizenship for the Jews
    Jews are not aloud to raise Reich or national flag or present colors of Reich. They can present their own Jewish colors. The Jews are protected by the state.
  • Aryanisation

    In 1934 to 1936, Nazi violence had gotten worst. Nazi started taking Jews belongings. They were trying to push Jews away, then Jewish refugees from Germany.
  • Jewish Children banned from school

    Jewish Children banned from school
    In the year of 1938 all Jewish Children were officially banned from German schools. Teachers would support the Nazi Party. Some teachers were involved in the Nazi Party they would even wear their uniform to school.
  • The Evian Confrence

    The Evian Confrence
    This was an international conference held in France to help flee German Jews. They each said they could help a little. They had excuses on why they couldn't have the Jews come to their country.
  • Polish Jews expelled

    Polish Jews expelled
    Beginning in August of 1938, Nazi rounded 60,000 Jews and may the go over polished border. Herschel Grynspan was studying in Paris, to make his people known and noticed. He went to a German embassy and shot diplomat, Ernst Von Rath.