Kyle Boessler- Radio History

  • First Radio Signal was sent and recieved

    First Radio Signal was sent and recieved
    The first radio signal ever was sent by Marconi, an italian inventor. The signal he sent was most likely morse code or something along the lines of that. It is confirmed as to wether he was actually the first person to do this or if it was just a case of good PR.
  • audion tube created

    audion tube created
    In 1906 Lee De Forest created the audion tube, a vacuum tube that amplified signals. It is believed that Reginald Fessenden actually came up with the idea. But his name was never mentioned in the history books.
  • Radio Stations Begin to pop up

    Radio Stations Begin to pop up
    The first radio station was originally named 8XK but was later renamed to KDKA. Which is still a radio station operating today. It was created by Frank Conrad.
  • Commercials Came About

    Commercials Came About
    in 1922 WEAF broadcasted a 10 minute comercial for an apartment complex charging $50 dollars. This was, and still is, the way radio stations make money, Back then it was about $5 a minute, now it's almost $5000 for 30 seconds.
  • FRC Established

    FRC Established
    Established because there were too many Uncle Charlie stations. They helped organize the licensing of transmitters. As well as, assigned radio station frequencies, call letters, and power limits.
  • Golden Era of Radio

    Golden Era of Radio
    The Golden Era of radio began in the 30's and lasted throughout the 40's. The reason radio became so popular was because of the war and The Great Depression happening at the time. Radio provided those people an escape from all of that conflict and sadness.
  • TV Gains Popularity

    TV Gains Popularity
    TV starting gaining popularity around the late 1930's. As it grew the advertisers followed along with it. Radio began to lose money and radio shows transfered over to TV.
  • Radio V.S ...

    Radio V.S ...
    Nowadays instead of turning on the radio most of us listen to music we've downloaded onto our phones. Or use an app or website, such as Spotify or Pandora. But, this did not end radio, radio is here to stay it just has more competition.