
King Henry VIII

  • Jun 28, 1491

    King Henry VIII Born/ Early life

    King Henry VIII Born/ Early life
    Born at Greenwich place. Was the third child of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. He was baptised at a church of the Observant Franciscans. At the age of two he was appointed Constable of Dover Castle and Land Warden of the Cinque Ports.He held several other positions of power after that in his young age. His mother died when he was 11. His brother died at 15 and several years later Henry marries Catherine (his dead brothers fiance).
  • Period: Jan 1, 1509 to

    King Henry VIII

    From beginning of King Henry VIII's rein to the end of his daughter's rein, Queen Elizabeth I.
  • Jun 11, 1509

    Catherine of Aragon, Marriage and Facts

    Catherine of Aragon, Marriage and Facts
    Catherine of Aragon married King Henry VIII on June 11, 1509. She was orginally married to his elder brother, Prince Arthur. She had a young male Prince henry after years of miscarriages only to have him die after 52 days. A few years later Mary was born in February 1516. Catherine's body refused more babies and she ended her birthing years with one girl to show for it. Henry became more determined to have a male heir and divorced her in 1533 at the same time Anne Boleyn= pregnant.Death-Jan 1536
  • Jun 23, 1509


    Henry VIII finally takes the throne at 18. Two days after the coronation he has two ministers arrested and later exicuted.
  • Jan 25, 1533

    Anne Boleyn Marriage and Facts

    Anne Boleyn Marriage and Facts
    Anne Boleyn was in court attending Queen Catherine when Henry ended his marriage with Catherine and got her pregnant to marry her in 1533. Her first child, Princess Elizabeth was born August 26, 1533. Henry was mad about another female heir.Miscarriages followed and King Henry had her beheaded on May 19, 1536.She was not only executed for her lack of male heirs but by the enemies in court, she was charged of adultery, plotting aganist the king and incest,She had Henery read the bible more often.
  • Sep 7, 1534

    Act of Supremacy

    Act of Supremacy
    Henry was getting tired of Catherine's old age and inablity to produce a male heir. He didn't have many options and he had his eye on Catherine's sister Anne. Also he had an illigitamate son who he could make the heir if the church was out of the way. So he could divorce Catherine and marry Anne he passed the Act od Supremacy.
  • May 30, 1536

    Jane Seymour Marriage and Facts

    Jane Seymour Marriage and Facts
    Bethrothed to Henry less than 24 hours after death of Anne Boleln. No cornation, had to prove herself with male heir. Once pregnant in early 1537 she was pampered and thought to have Henry's long sought son, being his, "true wife". Her son Edward, was born October 15, 1537. She died October 24, just 2 weeks after the birth of her son. Only wife to be buried with Henry at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle. Buried, November 13, 1537.
  • Jan 6, 1540

    Anne of Cleves Marriage

    Anne of Cleves Marriage
    Marriage was never very official Anne was called "The King's Sister", She was given two houses and a very large allowance. The Catholic church was almost pulled into the matter of their marraige but niether wanted to deal with the church and it was decided they would dissolve the marriage.
  • Jul 28, 1540

    Catherine Howard Marraige

    Catherine Howard Marraige
    (Same day Cormwell was executed) She was given the land of Cromwell and a huge amount of jewellwry. But soon after the marraige she had an affair with Thomas Culpeper. She had previously been a fiance to Francis Dereham wich would have made her marraige to Henry invaliad. At first Henry didn't believe the council telling him that Catherine was supposed to marry Dereham. But then it was found out that she was having an affair. Catherine, Culpeper, and Dereham were all exicuted on 13 Febuary 1542.
  • Jul 12, 1543

    Catherine Parr Marraige

    Catherine Parr Marraige
    Catherine was a wealthy widow that was a religous reformer. They had many arguements over religoun but Henry remeained a conservative. It was nearly her undoing but she saved herself by being submissive. She was able to help Henry and his first two daughters reconnect. In 1544 an Act of Parliament put the daughters back in succession after Edward Prince of Whales. But they were still deemed illigitament.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    King Edward VI Reign and Facts

    King Edward VI Reign and Facts
    Birth- Oct. 12 1537 Death- July 6, 1553.(15yrs) Crowned king between 9 and 10 years old. Suffered from tuberculosis and very sickly as younger child. He was devout Protestant,1549 introduced a uniform Protestant service in England based on his Book of Prayer. He had economic and social unrest marking nonsucessful leadership. Terminally ill, passed reins to Lady Jane Grey but she was thrown out by supporters of mary, fruious that she was illegimate by Edward. Withdrew military from Scotland.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Death of King Henry VIII

    Death of King Henry VIII
    King Henry dies at 55, his death was speed up by his obesity. He was in the Palace of Whitehall. His last words were "Monks! Monks! Monks!" The throne was passed on to his only legitamate son Edward who was 9.
  • Nov 30, 1553

    Queen Mary I (Bloody Mary) Leadership

    Queen Mary I (Bloody Mary) Leadership
    Begin of Leadership= Nov. 1553. 1554, Mary married King Phillip II of Spain, being 11 years older. English Parliment refused to crown him, giving him little power over England. Mary was proclaimed pregnant but it was false. Mary's biggest influence was returning England to Roman Catholicism. Protestants were persecuted and 300 are burnt at the stake. She recieved the name "Bloody Mary" and was executed by Elizabeth's orders on Nov. 17, 1558. Suprisingly she was buried beneath Elizabeth I.
  • Jan 15, 1559

    Queen Elizabeth I Reign and Facts

    Queen Elizabeth I Reign and Facts
    Corronation- Jan. 15, 1559. Successor- James I. First act as Queen- repeal Catholic legislation from Mary I. Nicknamed, "virgin queen" due to her absense of marriage. She used this to her advantage. England prospered during her reign.New lands were explored in the world. During her reign the Spanish Armada was defeated and England remained safe from foreign invasion. She is considered one of the greatest of all english monarchs. She restored the act of supremacy. Died March 23, 1603.