Kennedy and johnson

Kennedy amd Johnson

  • The Murder of Emmitt Till

    The Murder of Emmitt Till
    Emmitt Till was a 14 year old boy, who went from Chicago to Mississippi with his cousin, Curtis Jones, to stay with his uncle, Mose Right. While at a market, Emmitt was accused of "flirting" with a white woman. At 2:00 am, Roy Bryant and Jay W. Millum, came to get Emmitt; they beat Emmitt to death and tortured him in a form of leaching, throwing him in the river. His death was published in a magazine, which raised awareness about how badly blacks were treated in the South, & made ppl want change
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    Montgomery bus Boycott

    1. The Montgomery Bus Boycott began with the arrest of Rosa Parks in Alabama, when she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. She was a member of the NAACP, and her arrest started the boycott of riding buses. The purpose of the boycott was to desegregate city buses. The boycott lasted for 11 months, until the U.S. Warren Court concluded that segregation of buses is unconstitutional. Another outcome of the event was the formation of the SCLC.
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    The Little Rock Crisis

    1. After Brown vs. Board of Education urged the ending of public school segregation, 9 black children were chosen to be the first to attend the all white Little Rock Central High. 8 students showed up together & 1 alone. The State Guard wouldn’t allow black students to enter the school. They decided to try agai & cops escorted them into the school, but riots broke out and they had to leave. Ike sent Airforce 101 to escort them in and around classes, Earnest Gree was the 1st to graduate.
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    Kennedy's Presidency

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    The New Frontier

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    Nashville Sit-ins

    1. The sit-ins were nonviolent protests by young blacks to promote desegregation in restaurants. They began when 4 black students sat at bar for whites, they didn’t disturb anyone, but they refused to leave. From these events the SNCC was formed. The SNCC practiced non-violence and non-retaliation. Students were arrested, which caused their parents to boycott buying goods. This caused the Mayor to address that segregation is wrong and restaurants became integrated.
  • Kennedy-Nixon Debate

  • 1960 Election

  • Peace Corps Proposed

  • Allience for Progress Proposed

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    Warren Court Rules on Rights of the Accused

  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    1. The freedom riders were members of CORE, both black and white activists. They went on a bus ride from Washington D.C to Mississippi. The purpose was to promote equality, integration & the civil rights movement. As the freedom riders approached the south segregationists began to retaliate. Members of the KKK and other segregationists bombed the bus, as riders escaped they were attacked and beaten. In Miss. they were arrested. This cause the banning of segregation interstate traveling.
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    Berlin Crisis

  • The Albany Movement

    The Albany Movement
    1. The NAACP and the SNCC decided to target segregation as in general instead of pin-pointing a specific event. The movement was led by Dr. William G. Anderson and Martin L. King, Jr. and the SCLC became involved. The movement brought100s of people together to fight segregation, but was a failure b/c King eventually left; taking attention and support, and nothing was fixed. This movement was the 1st time an entire community was immobilized for seg. & they learned must have specific target.
  • The "Other America" Published

  • John Glenn Orbits the Earth

  • Baker vs. Carr

  • Engel vs. Vitale

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    Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Birmingham Confrontation

    Birmingham Confrontation
    14.King brought protests together in response to the bombing of black’s homes. King was arrested& in jail he wrote his famous “Letter from Birmingham”. Children joined the protests and were sent to jail on buses. 1,000 young ppl met at the 16th Street Baptist church to begin a march to free the arrested children. “Bull” Conner, Chief of Pol., ordered to spray the marching children with fire-hoses, and release dogs upon them. This astonished American citizens and influenced JFK's C.R.Bill= no seg
  • Equal Pay Act passed

  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    14.More than 2,000 people showed up in Washington D.C. to march in support of getting Kennedy’s Civil Rights bill passed. It was like a festive celebration, and John Lewis gave a speech. Martin L. King, Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, capturing America. This event united blacks and whites and brought about positive national support for the civil rights movement. After Kennedy’s death the Civil Rights Bill was passed in 1964…= SUCCESS!
  • 16th Street Church Bombing

    16th Street Church Bombing
    1. It was a Sunday morning, 15 days after the March on Washington, when a bomb went off in the black church on 16th Street. The bomb injured 15 people, and killed four children. Everyone was enraged at the children’s murder, and it made them want to fight for voting rights, so they can protect their children. This was a turning point in the Civil Right Movement, because the goal was changed from segregation to voting rights.
  • Kennedy Assassination

  • Lyndon Johnson Sworn In

  • Warren Commission Formed

  • Economic Opportunity Act Passed

  • Great Society Proposed

  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    The Civil Rights act of 1964 was passed by Lyndon B. Johnson, after JFK’s assassination. The Civil Rights Act had many Titles, most of them including laws like: prohibiting all discrimination against race, guarantees equal treatment of blacks in public facilities, and established programs to make sure Negros are being treated equally in federal programs. The Civil Rights Act was a big step forward for the Civil Rights activists.
  • 1964 Election- LBJ won

  • Medicare and Medicaid Passed

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    Watts Roits

    1. In the summer of 1965, riots broke out in Angeles many whites didn’t agree with the idea of integration, and they were trying to fight back against the blacks. The riots targeted the blacks, killing 34 and injuring hundreds. These riots were the biggest one’s ever in L.A., and were significant because the blacks were “fighting back” for their rights
  • Black Panthers formed

    Black Panthers formed
    The Black Panthers were founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. It was established because many blacks wanted to fight back and wanted “Black Power”, and didn’t agree with King’s non-violence approach. I was intended to be a political party, & they wanted segregation; to be completely away from the white man. They created a 10-point program & stated "Black is beautiful". This impacted the civil rights movement negatively, because it caused many whites to lose support of the movement.
  • Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
    14.Martin L. King, Jr. was in Tennessee in support for black working conditions. He walked out onto his balcony of his motel room, and was shot dead by James Earl Ray. The death of Dr. King symbolized to ending of the civil rights movement. After his death, many riots broke out, but his death also signified the next step in our nation. King was able to help blacks fight for freedom, and they got it through years of tolerance and non-violence tactics.