Keli Edwards

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on December 28, 1995, three days after Christmas. I am the oldest child in my family. This event shaped who I have become by letting me grow physically and emotionally and also created a life full of learning for me. This event is related to Economics because my parents had a choice whether to have a child or not, which lead to them beliving that if they had me, I would be a positive incentive in their lives. However, the cost of having a child is huge.
  • My sister's birth

    My sister's birth
    My sister, Dani, was born a year and half after me, making us very close in age. This event has shaped who I am by creating me to not be a only child. Now, I have someone to do stuff with, hang out, and occassionaly fight. This event is related to Economics because like my birth, it was another choice for my parents, having another child would mean more cost and less free time for them. It is also related, because they had to look at the incentives of having another child.
  • Started Dance

    Started Dance
    When i was 5 years old, I started dance at Little Theatre and have been dancing there my whole life. Dance allowed me to make new friends who shared common interests as me and made me push myself to become the best dancer I could be. Starting dance meant more costs for my parents, the monthly fee and costume fee for each year. It also meant that I could not do volleyball (an opportunity cost), I saw dance more important and picked my first choice instead of my second choice.
  • Started Preschool

    When I was 4, I started preschool at Stony Creek Elementary. This event was a time in which I was no longer with my parents every day and had to be more independent. Starting preschool allowed me to start to enjoy school. This event can be related to economics because going to preschool is scarce, not all kids get to go, creating a cost for attending it. It also is connected through choices my parents chose to send me to preschool instead of staying home (making staying home an opportunity cost)
  • Europe

    In the summer of 2004, my family went on a month vacation to Europe. We went to Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia. This event exposed me to a new culture and allowed me to create a relationships with my distant family in Croatia. The trip had numerous costs, for example, the price it was to fly four people and the time my parents would have to take off from work. Europe is also an implicit cost, because we didn't have to go, but wanted to.
  • First Broncos Game

    First Broncos Game
    My first Broncos game was a preseason game against the Colts and Peyton Manning. This event made me want to learn more about football and the Broncos. With this event, I started to become a bigger Broncos fan. This event is related to Economics because when we went to the game we were paying to watch people play football, which is a law of demand beacuse people enjoy football so it costs more to watch them and people pay more to see people like Peyton Manning because of his talent.
  • Start of High School

    Start of High School
    After elementary and middle school were over, I started my high school career at Chatfield. This event has allowed me to learn new information in various subjects, particpate in sport's activites, and has been equally educational and fun. This event is related to Economics because I knew going to Chatfield would have positive incentives. It was the best choice for me, law of self interest, I was choosing a place where I felt comfortable.
  • My trip to Quebec

    My trip to Quebec
    After taking one year of French and starting a second, I decided to go on my teacher's class field trip to Quebec. On this trip, we visited Quebec and Montreal, went to the Carnaval, and went to a Maple Syrup farm. This event is related to Economics by being a choice of mine to visit Canada without my parents and the cost of what it was to go there, which I had to pay some. This trip was a quick four day adventure, but going on the trip meant I would miss school and be forced to make up my work.
  • Getting my driver's license

    After having my permit for a year, I was finally able to get my driver's license the summer before my junior year. By getting my licence, I became more independent. I could drive myself to dance, football games, and not have to rely on my parents to pick me up. This is related to economics because to get a car is an explicit expense, you have to pay out of your pocket for it along with gas for the car. It was also a postive incentive for me, I could drive my sister and I around.
  • Start of Senior Year

    Start of Senior Year
    After waiting many years to call myself a senior, the time has finally come. While, it is just the beginning, senior year has taught me how close I am to finishing high school and how I need to prepare for the future. Senior year is also the time in which I'll be applying to colleges. By going to school and using my knowledge, I can get a degree in some sort of job and achieve the economical goal of growth and full employment. It is also time in which I will use the law of self interest.