Kara Jahal's life

By s42283
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I was born in Liberty, MO.
  • Trust vs. Mistrust: Keys Locked in Car

    Trust vs. Mistrust: Keys Locked in Car
    My mom locked her keys inside of her car accidently when coming out from the grocery store. I was freaking out at first but, when i realized i wasn't alone and that my mom was with me, i calmed down. This shows that i developed trust within my mom.
  • Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt: Potty Trained

    Potty Trained, pretty quickly.This shows that i had confidence in my abilities as a toddler, when attempting to learn new things.
  • Initiative vs. Guilt: Moving

    Initiative vs. Guilt: Moving
    My parents got divorced and i was forced to move to my grandma's house in Gladstone, MO. This caused me to have to start over and make new memories, friends, routines, etc. This did make me develop some guilt, but as a result i also developed some initiative to start a "fresh" new life.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority: Good Grades

    Industry vs. Inferiority: Good Grades
    As an elementary school kid, i always strived to do my best and get the best grades as possible. I was a straight A student. This shows that i successfully learned how to apply myself to tasks individually.
  • Identity vs. Role Confusion: Introvert or Extrovert?

    I accepted that i'm more of an introverted person and began to hang around people who are more introverted than extroverted. This shows that i obtained a sense of self and who i think i am.
  • Identity: First Job

    Identity: First Job
    Started working at HyVee, which helped me create a sense of self, and what i am capable of.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    Graduated from Park Hill High School, obtaining a high school diploma and ready to start college.
  • College Graduation

    I hope to graduate from some kind of culinary school, obtaining a degree where i can open my own bakery shop of some sort.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation: Meeting Future Husband

    I hope to meet my future husband somewhere and develop a close, open relationship with him.
  • Marriage

    I hope to get married around the age of 26ish to a man who i can grow a family with and create many memories to spread throughout generations.
  • Generativity vs Stagnation: Have First Child

    Generativity vs Stagnation: Have First Child
    I hope to have my first child to show a contribution to the world through family. (generativity)
  • Generativity: Second Child Born

    Generativity: Second Child Born
  • Generativity: Adopt Third Child

    I hope to adopt a kid, to show a contribution to the world and to my family.
  • Integrity vs Despair

    Integrity vs Despair
    Having lived a successful life, and hopefully raised a happy family, i will pass on, showing a sense of integrity toward the life i lived.