joy and ambers timline [:

  • Birth of K.K.K

    Birth of K.K.K
    The first Klan started in the South in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. It was organized at Pulaski,Its strange disguises, silent parades, midnight rides, mysterious language and commands, were found to be most effective in playing upon fears and superstitions The riders muffled their horses feet and covered the horses with white robes.
  • Second K.K.K formed

    Second K.K.K formed
    The second KKK went nationwide in the early and mid 1920s, and adopted the same costumes and code words as the first Klan, They used violence against african americans and their white supporters. They believed afriacn americans should not be treated uqual to whites, the Ku Klux Klan didnt want africans to vote either. They wore hoods to hide their identies and to scare their victims.
  • Bloody sunday.

    Bloody sunday.
    In 1965 Martin luther king junior started a huge campaign in selma alabama to enact voting rights legislation through pressuring the federal government. Protests had series of confrontations on emund pettus bridge. troopers attacked marchers as they tried to cross the bridge. killing people with clubs, ropes, whips, and canisters. march 7th 1965 then became known as "bloody sunday."
  • Watts race riots.

    Watts race riots.
    On August 11th, 1965, two African Americans were arrested by white police officers for a minor vehicle violation in Watts, Local youths believed that the police officers had been influenced by the race of the two men. The incident developed into a riot and there was considerable looting and a large number of businesses were fire-bombed.
  • The black panther party.

    The black panther party.
    In 1966 Huey Newton and bobby Seale founded the black panther party for self defense of minority communities against U.S. government. They fought to establish socialismn through mass organizing and community based programs.
  • Fair housing act.

    Fair housing act.
    Prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, financing, and other housing related transactions based on, race, color, national orgion, relegion, sex, pregnant woman, and the handicap/diabled. Fair housing act covers most housing, the act exempts owner occupied buildings with no more than 4 units.
  • Black power movement

    Black power movement
    The Black Power movement grew out of the Civil Rights Movement. the Black Power movement marked a turning point in black-white relations in the United States and also in how blacks saw themselves. Their civil rights was compromised by violence. The movement caused a number of other african americans to speak out.
  • Assignation of Martin Luther King Jr.

    Assignation of Martin Luther King Jr.
    In the eleven-year period between 1957 and 1968, King traveled over six million miles and spoke over twenty-five hundred times, he was awarded five honorary degrees; was named Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1963; and became not only the symbolic leader of American blacks but also a world figure. On April 4, 1968, while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel, Martin Luther King was assassinated.