Jewish Diaspora

By pompeim
  • 586 BCE


    The Jews are exiled from their homeland by the Babylonians, who sack and destroy Jerusalem.
  • Period: 586 BCE to

    Journey of the Jews

    The length of the Jews history from their exile to the creation of israel.
  • 538 BCE

    Temporary Salvation

    King Cyrus of Persia conquers Babylonia and releases the Jews to go back to their homeland. Many decide to stay.
  • 167 BCE


    The Maccabees revolt against the Hellenistic Empire of the Seleucids. Hanukkah celebrates the subsequent rededication of the Temple.
  • 6

    Rome's Rule

    Rome annexes Judea, and persecution under the Roman empire becomes unbearable for the Jews. The first Jewish revolts against Rome begin.
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    The rebellion ends

    The great Jewish revolt against Roman occupation ends in the destruction of the second temple and the fall of Jerusalem, nearly a million Jews die from the siege and thousands are captured.
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    Another Try

    Simon Bar-Kokhba leads a second revolt against Rome... it ends in the defeat of the Jews who are then exiled from Jerusalem.
  • Jan 31, 1035

    Emergence in England

    Jews travel to England and establish themselves as bankers, boosting the economy largely.
  • Jan 31, 1096

    The Crusades

    Crusaders temporarily capture Jerusalem, they slaughter tens of thousands of Jews in the Middle East as well as in Europe.
  • Jan 31, 1187

    Saladin's Welcome Home

    Saladin, who has captured Jerusalem, invites the Jews back to their holy land.
  • Jan 31, 1290

    Expelled from England

    King Edward the First expels all Jews from England to relieve the people's debt to the banks.
  • Jan 31, 1348


    The Jews are blamed for the black death and are driven out of Central Europe by massacre.
  • Feb 1, 1517

    The Ghetto

    Venice's Jews are forced to live in a small cramped space in the town, the first Jewish ghetto is born.
  • Trouble in Russia

    Czar Alexander the Second is murdered in St. Petersburg, a Jewish girl is among the plotters. This unleashes a wave of hate to the Jewish-Russian population.
  • Nuremburg Laws

    A program of many anti-Jewish laws are passed and enforced throughout Europe.
  • The Holocaust

    Nearly 6 million Jews are killed during the Holocaust, murdered systematically by the Nazis and their collaborators.
  • Israel

    The nation of Israel is finally founded and ratified