
Jazmin's life!

  • graduates from East Central higschool.

    graduates from East Central higschool.
    graduates with honors, and a degree. While i start thinking about going to a University to get doctorates degree.
  • starts college at Oral Roberts University

    starts college at Oral Roberts University
    Goes for bachelors degree.
  • Gets bachelors degree. Four years of undergraduate.

    Gets bachelors degree. Four years of undergraduate.
    I need this degree to get into medical school, and to become a physician/surgeon.
  • starts medical school at Oral Roberts

    starts medical school at Oral Roberts
    I need four years of medical school in order to become a surgeon. First two years in labs and classrooms. The next two years we spend it with patients while surgeons watch them.
  • Finish years of medical school at ORU.

    Finish years of medical school at ORU.
    Had to finish with sky high grades, and next is internship.
  • Start internship

    Start internship
    Start internship depending on my specialty, I will maybe have to take a about 3-8 years of internship.
  • finish internship

    finish internship
    Took about five years to finish medical school. Now i move to New York to apply at a hospital.
  • Start working at the New York Presbyterian Hospital

    Start working at the New York Presbyterian Hospital
    Then I move to New York, and start working at Presbyterian hospital for a heart surgeon.