Jason's Interactive TIMELINE

  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    It took a long 21 hours and 55 minutes. It's important because if that didn't happen I wouldn't be here.Also I would never see they people that mean alot to me.
  • Period: to


  • happy holloween

    happy holloween
    " Blues Clues Baby"
    It was the first halloween I've ever had. Also it was the first time I got a jumbo sack of candy
  • Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas
    I was cold but also cheerful.
    It was the firat Christmas I shared with my family.Also I got my first
  • Vacay hombre

    Vacay hombre
    We are going to D.I.S.N.E.Y. W.O.R.L.D.!!!
    I made plenty if new friends.Also we stayed their for a week!
  • First day of school gulp

    First day of school gulp
    I was a wreck full of nerves.
    If I didn't go to school I wouldn't be as smart as I am now. Also I would have never set any goals for myself and never had a future.
  • Michael Jackson... Dead

    Michael Jackson... Dead
    It was sad for every one. It's important because he was the idle to many.Also he was the " king of pop."